windows - How to rename files based on timestamp, with batch script?

  • ella

    Suppose I have 10 files generated by the system every day under D:\Temp. The names are RANDOMLY generated.

    Assume I need to rename the oldest one to be 'aaa', the second oldest one to be 'bbb', then 'ccc', 'ddd' and so on.

    assume these are the target names I will use:


    Can someone help with a batch script to accomplish this?

    I actually asked this question yesterday and was given a wonderful answer using PowerShell, but today I notice in company's VM I don't have PowerShell installed (not allowed to install by yourself), so need to post question again so that people who already answered can retain their (accept) votes.

  • Answers
  • dbenham
    @echo off
    setlocal disableDelayedExpansion
    set "file1=aaa"
    set "file2=bbb"
    set "file3=ccc"
    set "file4=ddd"
    set "file5=eee"
    set "file6=fff"
    set "file7=ggg"
    set "file8=hhh"
    set "file9=iii"
    set "file10=jjj"
    for /f "tokens=1,2* delims=: " %%A in (
      'wmic datafile where "drive='d:' and path='\\temp\\'" get creationDate^, name ^| findstr "^[0-9]" ^| sort ^| findstr /n "^"'
    ) do for /f "delims=" %%F in ("%%C") do (
      setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
      for %%N in ("!file%%A!") do (
        ren "%%F" %%N

    If you want to change the path, then you must be sure to double up all \ as \\ and make sure the path starts and ends with \\. The appropriate drive letter (with colon) must appear in the drive option.

    Both the drive and path values must be enclosed in single quotes - WMIC uses SQL syntax.

  • Endoro

    This should work for you. It renames 26 files to aaa to zzz, oldest creation date first. Look at the output and remove the echo command, if it is OK.

    @echo off&setlocal
    set "startfolder=D:\temp"
    set "alphas=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    cd /d "%startfolder%"
    set /a counter=0
    for /f "tokens=3*" %%a in ('dir /a-d /od /tc ^| findstr "^[0-9]"') do set "fname=%%b"&call:process
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    set "nname=!alphas:~%counter%,1!!alphas:~%counter%,1!!alphas:~%counter%,1!"
    if not defined nname goto:eof
    echo rename "%fname%" "!nname!"
    set /a counter+=1

    If your dir command showes the time with AM/PM, set tokens=4*.

  • Related Question

    command line - How to distinguish folders from files in a batch script? (Or how to copy & rename-timestamp them indiscriminately?)
  • fluxtendu

    I want to create a batch file to copy files or folders in a specified directory and append the date and time to their names.
    Here's my actual code:

    @echo off
    Set _bpath=T:\Backup\
    if [%1]==[] goto :eof
    Set _file=%~n1%
    Set _ext=%~x1%
    For /f "tokens=1-3 delims=1234567890 " %%a in ("%time%") Do Set "delims=%%a%%b%%c"
    For /f "tokens=1-4 delims=%delims%" %%G in ("%time%") Do (
       Set _hh=%%G
       Set _min=%%H
       Set _ss=%%I
       Set _ms=%%J
    copy %1 "%_bpath%%_file%(%date:/=-% %_hh%h%_min%m%_ss%s)%_ext%"
    if not [%1]==[] goto loop

    This one works for files only and I could adapt it easily for folders with xcopy /E %1 "%_bpath%%_file%(%date:/=-% %_hh%h%_min%m%_ss%s) but I would like to avoid dealing with two batch files.

    So how to copy/rename them indiscriminately (I have try with copy, xcopy and robocopy without success) or how to distinguish them to create two IF branch? (Using %~x1% is too unreliable...)

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