email - I cannot access my flickr account

  • AtanuCSE

    I was using Google account to log in to my Flickr. After several days, I entered into the Flickr account and found out that Flickr is moving into only Yahoo login.

    So I tried the Google login and it shows

    This account is not connected with any Yahoo account. Sign up for new........ or use existing etc...

    Can't remember the exact words. So I provided my Yahoo mail credentials. Now every time it is giving me a brand new account, rather taking me to my previous Flickr account. I can view the previous account photos, but After going there, it treated me as a outsider. New account showing me that I've not uploaded any photo. What's wrong? How can I connect with my previous account?

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    Can't access Administrator account on Windows XP after adding local user account
  • bwerks

    I have an installation of windows XP, and it's not part of a domain. Previously, it just had only the administrator account, and upon creating a different user account, all access was lost to the administrator account. When the machine starts up, only the new local account is offered for login, which seemed strange.

    I've checked that the administrator account was not disabled, nor are any rights missing from the local security policy. Furthermore, the administrator account is accessible via remote desktop, where an opportunity is given to type the desired account. REALLY strange.

    Upon deletion of the new local user account, the administrator account appeared again. Can anyone tell me what's going on?

  • Related Answers
  • joeqwerty

    That's the expected behavior. The Administrator account is only available on the Welcome screen if there are no other user accounts. Once you create a user account the Administrator account is removed from the Welcome screen. If you want to log on as Administrator when another user account exists you need to disable the Welcome screen.

  • snir

    or you can press ctrl+alt+del and get the login box

  • Tofystedeth

    Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete twice at the welcome screen to bring up the login box. You can type in administrator there.