I need to batch convert Word (.doc) to Word Perfect documents (.wpd)

  • Happylbp

    Everything I have found so far is going the other direction and few specifics. I need to convert approximately a hundred Word documents into WordPerfect documents. It has been more than a decade since I have needed to do anything like this and I can't remember how. Any specific suggestions or links to solutions is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • Answers
  • JSanchez

    Found a link explaining how to enable saving as a WordPerfect document in MS Word 2003, but it seems that the format is not supported by latter versions of Office/Word due to security concerns.

    But if WordPerfect supports RTF (you don't specify which version of Word or WP you are using) you could use one of these scripts written by Rob van der Woude to automate batch converting documents from Word into RTF and then opening them in WP.

    Hope this helps somewhat...

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  • Related Answers
  • Travis

    This is how I would do it:

    1. Download CutePDF writer
    2. Set the writer as your default printer (you can change it back later)
    3. Place all your .doc files in the same folder
    4. Highlight all the files, right-click, Print

    Only downside is that you have to click Ok once for each file.

  • bobbymcr

    This might be pushing it into stackoverflow.com territory, but you could script Word 2007 to open and save a document as PDF. This requires Office 2007 and the "Save as PDF" plug-in from Microsoft.

    Save this to a file SaveAsPDF.js and run it from the command line using cscript.exe //nologo SaveAsPDF.js SomeFolder\MyDocToConvert.doc:

    var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
    var docPath = WScript.Arguments(0);
    docPath = fso.GetAbsolutePathName(docPath);
    var pdfPath = docPath.replace(/\.doc[^.]*$/, ".pdf");
    var objWord = null;
        WScript.Echo("Saving '" + docPath + "' as '" + pdfPath + "'...");
        objWord = new ActiveXObject("Word.Application");
        objWord.Visible = false;
        var objDoc = objWord.Documents.Open(docPath);
        var wdFormatPdf = 17;
        objDoc.SaveAs(pdfPath, wdFormatPdf);
        if (objWord != null)
  • mas

    I've not tried it but there is a batch method using OpenOffice.org that you could test. Instructions on doing this on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms described at http://www.tech-faq.com/convert-word-to-pdf.shtml (and also at http://www.togaware.com/linux/survivor/Convert_MS_Word.html" and, at http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=3772).

    The principle of using OpenOffice.org to read in the .doc file and then export it as a PDF seems sound if you find OpenOffice.org makes areasonable job of opening the .doc files you have.

  • Adrian

    Use Google Docs as a Batch PDF Converter by Amit Agarwal

    If you have a huge bundle of Word Documents, Excel Spreadsheets and PowerPoint Presentations on your hard drive that you would like to convert into PDF at once without investing in commercial software like Adobe Acrobat, try Google Docs.

    While it has always been possible to convert Office documents into PDF using Google Docs, the new export feature makes it even easier for you to batch convert Microsoft Office and OpenOffice file formats into PDF (or HTML) in three easy steps. Batch Conversion to PDF with Google Docs

    Use Google Docs as a Batch PDF Converter

    Step #1 - Create a new "input" folder in Google Docs where you'll upload all your documents and presentations that are to converted into PDF.

    Step #2 - Now select the Upload Document option in Google Docs, set the destination folder to the one that you created in Step #1 and upload* all your documents.

    Google Docs officially supports the following file formats though you may also upload images:

    * Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt, .pps).
    * Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx), OpenDocument (.odt) and StarOffice (.sxw).
    * Microsoft Excel (csv, .xls, .xlsx) files and OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods).

    [*] You may also use the email option to upload documents onto Google Docs but that would put everything on the main folder and managing documents can therefore become a issue especially when you have too many files.

    Step #3 - Once all files are uploaded onto Google Docs, open the dashboard again and select the "input" folder from the right sidebar. Select all the files in this folder and choose "Export" under "More Options".

    Here's select "PDF" (or HTML) as the output format and all your Word Documents, presentations, spreadsheets, etc. will be instantly converted into PDF.

    And if you are converting a large batch of documents into PDF, you don't have to wait in the browser for the conversion to finish as Google Docs will automatically send you an email once the processing is over. The email will have a link from where you can directly download all the PDF files in one large ZIP.

  • Tutul

    well, cutepdf & pdf99 do their job well, but i find PDFcreator more appealing as it 'print's in higher quality than the other two, it also has more configuration option, plus it's open-source.

  • Fallensoul

    Regarding the SaveAsPDF.js script that a previous user posted. This worked for converting one pdf file, but i didnt know how to covert all the files in a directory. With a little playing I created a file. CovertAll2PDF.bat with the following 2 lines:

    echo off for %%X in (*.doc) do cscript.exe //nologo SaveAsPDF.js "%%X"

    there is also the /r "Parent Directory" which can be inserted as for /r "PD" %%X in -.... which will go through all the directories, in that case make it C:\SaveAsPDF.js and save Saveaspdf.js in that directory.

    im sure its clumsy, but it worked for me. hope this helps someone.

  • JC2k8

    Bobbymcr's answer is pretty interesting and works well with Word 2010. Still, there's an improvement to be made. Bobbymcr's original command line looks like this:

    cscript.exe //nologo SaveAsPDF.js SomeFolder\MyDocToConvert.doc

    This doesn't work if you have associated .js files with some kind of editor like Notepad++. In this case you also have to specify the engine to use, otherwise cscript will show you an error message. This is easily achieved by using the //E:jscript command line parameter:

    cscript.exe //nologo //E:jscript SaveAsPDF.js SomeFolder\MyDocToConvert.doc

  • Russ Warren

    It looks like this tool will work for what you are wanting: http://www.pdf995.com/.

    I've never used this product, but it does list "Batch Print from Microsoft Office" as a feature.

  • Community

    Converting multiple documents from DOC to PDF on Windows XP using JODConverter and Open Office


    Step 1 Download JODConverter (latest version jodconverter-2.2.2.zip) from

    Uncompress JODConverter zip file in a directory of your choice (D1)

    Step 2 Start OpenOffice in service mode (more details here)

    Create a batch file start-service.bat with the following content:


    X:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\program\soffice.exe -headless
    -accept="socket,host=,port=8100;urp;" –nofirststartwizard

    ::if doesn't work try removing this last parameter(–nofirststartwizard)

    (assuming X:\Program Files\OpenOffice.org 3\ is the directory where Open Office is installed and soffice.exe is present).

    Run start-service.bat (open office is now started in service mode and awaiting commands)

    Step 3

    Collect all documents to be converted to pdf in a directory (D2)

    Create a batch file convert.doc which launches JODConverter with and issue the conversion instructions:


    java -jar  "<D1>\lib\jodconverter-cli-2.2.2.jar" -f pdf  *.doc

    where D1 is the JODConverter directory created in Step 1

    (If JODConverter has another version number, update convert.bat accordingly)

    IMPORTANT: convert.bat file must be located in D2 directory !

    Step 4:

    Run convert.bat

    For each *.doc file present in D2 JODConverter will require Open Office to create a new file with the same name and pdf extension in the same directory.