hard drive - Installing Windows 8 on SSD and everything else on HDD

  • Chachoo Aguirre

    Hello i have an asus ultrabook with 24g ssd and 1tb hdd, at firts the ssd of my machine was only for cache files and it didn´t made much diference form a normal hdd.

    Then i installed windows in my ssd and the diference it´s HUGE, but all the cache, users and program files are saved in c:/ by default. I tried some symbolic links to change that but in windows 8.1 it´s not the same as windows 7.

    At normal windows start you are using program files and users so you cant change it.

    At audit mode you use some files in programdata and program files.

    With other OS the links dont work.

    Anyone can help me with a guide of how making them in windows 8.1?

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    Windows 7 on SSD using Symlinks
  • Eleasar

    for my new desktop computer i want to buy a (smaller) SSD drive and put Windows 7 64bit on the SSD and only the most used stuff. And a second (bigger) normal HDD on which everything else goes. What is a good strategy to do so?

    Is it possible to:

    • move the program folder to the HDD (both x86 and 64bit one)? This should be possible with normal windows features.
    • move the users folder to the HDD - this should as well be possible directly with a windows setting
    • move some stuff from the windows folder itself there (i am thinking of the Installer directory - maybe more?). For this i hope that Symlink can be used. Will it work if files aer in use? Installer folder i would hope that i can move with no files in use? What about other files - possible to do from some command line or such?

    And in case i use one program very often can i use symlink easyly and seamlessly to move that program or some data files onto the SSD and gain all the speed bonus?

    Are there any known limitations of symlinks using Hardlinks or is it safe to use that?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • Will

    This application (SteamMover) was designed for the very purpose that you mention. It was written with Steam games in mind, but could be used for any application in theory. Some applications will not support this, but it is easily reversible should your move fail. You'll just have to test each application to see.