linux - Issues with this sh script?

  • MasterGberry

    Having issues executing this sh script...i don't see anything wrong with it, does someone else see something I screwed up?

    echo "**************************************"
    echo "***                                ***"
    echo "***      Updated Please Read       ***"
    echo "***                                ***"
    echo "**************************************"
    sleep 3
    echo "Will updating this OS cause any issues with a control panel? [y|n]"
    echo " Answer No for Cpanel, Direct Admin, Webmin, Plesk, VZ."
    # CP = 'n'
    # read CP
    # if [[ ! `echo $CP | egrep '(y|yes|n|no)'` ]]; then
    #        echo "Please answer with y or n:"
    #        read CP
    # fi
    echo "Testing for SELinux..."
    if [[ $? = 0 ]]; then
            echo "disabling SELinux..."
            sed -i 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/g' /etc/selinux/config
            setenforce 0
    echo "Initial time sync..."
    ntpdate -b > /dev/null 2>&1
            if [[ -f /etc/redhat-release ]]; then
                    if [[ `egrep '(4\.[0-9]|\ 5\ |5\.[0-9]|\ 6\.[0-9])' /etc/redhat-release` ]]; then
                            CENT_VERSION=`cat /etc/redhat-release`
                            echo "This version of CentOS is not compatible with this script."
                            echo "Please use the old instructions."
                            exit 1
                    echo "You are not running this script on CentOS."
                    exit 2
            if [[ `echo $CENT_VERSION | grep 4\.[0-9]` ]]; then
            elif [[ `echo $CENT_VERSION | egrep '(\ 5\ |5\.[0-9])'` ]]; then
    echo "Updating Resolvers..."

    Getting this error:

    : command not found
    ***                                ***
    ***      Updated Please Read       ***
    ***                                ***
    sleep: invalid time interval `3\r'
    Try `sleep --help' for more information.
    Will updating this OS cause any issues with a control panel? [y|n]
     Answer No for Cpanel, Direct Admin, Webmin, Plesk, VZ.
    : command not found
    : command not found
    Testing for SELinux...
    : command not found selinuxenabled
    : command not found

    Seems like something is mfunky with the formatting?

  • Answers
  • MasterGberry

    Turns out this was related to Windows adding \r characters...there is a utility called dos2unix which fixes this, but I just did it myself by making the few changes in linux.

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    ubuntu 10.04 - Log Files from bash script output
  • neildeadman

    I have a script that runs (this works fine).

    I'd like to produce logfiles from its output and still show it on screen. I have this command that creates three files from this blog:

    ((./ 2>&1 1>&3 | tee errors.log) 3>&1 1>&2 | tee output.log) 2>&1 | tee final.log

    This does exactly what I want it to.

    My only issue is that I create files in my script and copy them somewhere, and I'd like to copy these logfiles there too, which I can't do whilst this script is running. I also wanted to make it easier for any user to run my script, so I created another script to run this script. According to this post (see last post) I can put a . before the script name and I can use variables assigned in my called script from the first script if I use them in the first.

    It doesn't seem to work though and I can't figure out why or find alternative methods.

    Can anyone help?

  • Related Answers
  • Dor

    Please read the solution presented in the following link:
    logging blocks of code to log files in bash @

  • neildeadman

    I've discovered that by using exec I can achieve what I wanted with out the need for a second script, like so:

    exec 1>&2-

    Thought it worth posting in case anyone happens upon this question!