windows - Launch Google Chrome in Fullscreen mode

  • iglvzx

    How can I launch Google Chrome in fullscreen mode from a shortcut?

    I have tried the CLI arguments --start-maximized and --kiosk, but both do not activate the regular fullscreen mode (i.e. when you press F11).

    If only there was a way to automatically press F11 once Google Chrome was open...

  • Answers
  • iglvzx


    I've worked on a more complete solution based on the script below. It is called FEleven and it is hosted on GitHub:

    One of the main benefits of FEleven over the the solution below is that I've included built-in support for Google Chrome and other browsers, allowing you to omit the window-title parameter, i.e.:

    feleven "path\to\chrome.exe ..."

    If only there was a way to automatically press F11 once Google Chrome was open...

    There is! With a little help from AutoHotkey we can launch Google Chrome in fullscreen mode. Now, F11 is pretty standard as a fullscreen keyboard shortcut, so we will write a script that can work with any program we throw at it! Let's begin...

    1. Setup

    So, one little known feature about AutoHotkey is that you can call scripts from the command line (and with parameters). We will be compiling the following script; I named mine Fullscreen.exe.

    #SingleInstance, Force
    SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
    Title = %1%
    Title := Title . "$"
    Target = %2%
    Run, %Target%
    WinWaitActive, %Title%
    Send, {F11}

    If instead you would like to maximize the window instead of pressing F11, replace Send, {F11} above with:

    Send, !{Space}
    Send, x


    1. Launch the Target

    2. Once we have an active window whose title ends with our Title, send F11 to enable fullscreen mode.

    Note: If don't want to install AutoHotkey or compile your own script, I have uploaded a compiled script for you on my server:
    icon, 772 KB

    Alternative for maximizing the window:
    icon, 772 KB


    Now, you can launch an application in fullscreen by calling the .exe like so:

    Fullscreen "Title" "Target"

    Assuming that you are currently in the directory where Fullscreen.exe is located, or Fullscreen.exe is in a %Path% directory.


    Fullscreen "- Google Chrome" "%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

    Use it in shortcut (.lnk) or a batch (.bat) file!

  • Antoine Lizée

    The app mode should do the trick: it launches your instance of chrome in a full screen, separate window.

    chrome.exe --app=
  • Diogo
    1. Close all Chrome Windows.
    2. Open One Window.
    3. Click on upper right of Window (3 horizontal lines)
    4. From Drop Down Menu - Go to the Bottom and Click - EXIT


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  • 8088

    Create a shortcut to Chrome, in the Properties window add -incognito to the Target box.

    alt text

    (image from here)