mac - localhost problem on my mamp server

  • krike

    I'm new to mac, just own an iMac for a few days now. I installed mamp and everything was working fine, this morning I start it up and when I go to my phpmyadmin it's displaying an error:

    The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured)

    but when I change the url from http://localhost to it works, any idea on how to fix this so it works with http://localhost.

    also for some reason I can't browse the internet when my mamp server is running, I have to quit the program to surf the internet....

  • Answers
  • Josh K

    You probably switched how the MySQL server is running, binding to localhost or Check the settings in MAMP.

  • Related Question

    mac - Safari is unable to reach localhost (
  • knorv

    I've encountered a really strange Mac problem: Safari is unable to connect to localhost whereas all other applications can connect as normal (Firefox, Chrome, ping, etc.).

    My /etc/hosts is the standard setup:

    $ egrep localhost /etc/hosts
    # localhost is used to configure the loopback interface   localhost
    ::1         localhost 
    fe80::1%lo0 localhost   testing.localhost

    Question: Have anyone else encountered this? What could be the problem?

    Update #1: I have a server running on localhost:8080. When accessing from Safari I get the error message "Safari could not connect to the server". "http://localhost:8080/" works flawlessly in Firefox and Chrome.

    Update #2: Same problem with "" - so it does not seem to be related to resolving localhost to

  • Related Answers
  • EvilChookie

    I think we need a little more information based on your question.

    I'm going to guess you have a web server running to accept requests? I currently don't, and Safari won't connect to, because it "Couldn't find" - even though I can ping it just fine.

    So first, you need to have something running. Secondly, have you tried connecting to testing.localhost with Safari, just incase the two entries are confusing Safari (this is entirely possible).

    When you say "applications can connect as normal" with Chrome and Firefox, what are you seeing? The web page you're expecting to see? A different error?


    I downloaded and installed MAMP, and I could not reproduce this error.

    Some forum threads suggest IPv6 resolution is causing this issue. I would be inclined to turn off IPv6 and remove the entry from the hosts file (temporarily just for testing)

    1. Apple Menu > System Preferences
    2. Network
    3. Select your Network Connection > Advanced
    4. Configure IPv6 > Off

    Apply, restart, and see how it goes.

  • ericvg

    I've had this happen before -- using http://computername.local/ worked for me, but I'm unsure why it would be different than just using a name in a host file.

  • grawity

    Some applications decide to bind to only a single interface -, for example, if that is the address assigned to eth0 or such - instead of using for all interfaces.

    Others might be using only IPv6 addresses ::1 (localhost) or :: (all interfaces). Try http://[::1]:8080/ in this case.

  • pixeline

    i'm not going to answer your question directly, but offer an alternative solution: use virtualhostx to manage the local DNS. See also if MAMP is not a good solution for your local development needs (if that's what you're after).

  • Snark

    Comment out the line:

    ::1         localhost

    from your /etc/hosts file. Apparently this would be caused by IPv6 support in Safari.

  • Arjan

    To ensure it's not an issue with your web server (like @nagul asked: what server are you using?), on my 10.6 Snow Leopard with IPv6 left at automatic, and even with testing.localhost added to my /etc/hosts, the following works fine:

    • Change the Listen port of the built-in Apache from 80 to 8080:
      sudo vi /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
    • Run the built-in Apache by enabling System Preferences, Sharing, Web Sharing. Or restart using: sudo apachectl restart

    Likewise, for me no problems using:

    • python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8080

    I know you stated you're not using any proxy. Just in case there's any doubt: recent versions of Firefox allow you to choose between Firefox-specific network settings (which was the only option in older versions), and the system settings. Safari always uses the system settings. Of course, good proxy settings would ignore local addresses (defaults on my Mac for Bypass proxy settings for these Hosts & Domains: *.local, *.lan, 169.254/16). Still, one could check if Firefox still works when making it use the system settings just like Safari. (Firefox Preferences, Advanced, tab Network, button Settings.)

    (Anything in the server logs or Console logs? Which version of Mac OS?)

  • alexus

    What's your DNS? some DNS providers like OpenDNS depends on your settings might prevent you from going somewhere, so to test it completely remove DNS and make sure you have no proxy configured as well

  • aaron

    it sounds like your server may not be running on the ip and port you're expecting. what is output when you run the following in a terminal?

    netstat -anp tcp | grep 8080

    you should see a line corresponding to your server. if no line appears, then your server may be running on a different port.