iphone - Mac OS X Lion can't install SDK and xCode

  • William Kinaan

    I would like to begin coding for iPhone and iPad so I installed Mac OS X Lion on VMWare. I tried to install xcode_3.2.5_and_ios_sdk_4.2_final (3.5)GB from the Apple developer website, but I can't install it because an error message appears saying "error on installation, contact your adminstrator"

    I then downloaded xcode_3.2.5_and_ios_sdk_4.2_final (4.1)GB, but when I launch it I receive an error message stating "the following disk image couldn't be opened".

    I am so new to Mac OS X, what am I doing wrong?

    1. is there SDK for Lion and SDK for another version of Mac OS X?
    2. are there special configuration considerations for VMWare?
    3. how do I know which version of iOS I have?

    I know this is a silly question, but I could really use the help.

  • Answers
  • Area 51

    There are multiple versions of Xcode for each of the Mac OS X operating systems.

    Xcode 3.2.5 is for an older version of Mac OS X and will not run on Mac OS X Lion. You will need to download Xcode version 4 or later to install on Mac OS X Lion.

    If you are installing the latest version of Xcode, it is now a universal binary for both Lion and Mountain Lion.

    If instead you are trying to install an older version the installer will say something to the effect of "Xcode 4.x.x for Lion".

    Xcode is also now available on the Mac App Store for free: click the Apple menu then click "App Store..." and then search for Xcode to install it.

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  • Tawani

    I just download the iPhone SDK disk image from Apple and installed in on my new iMac (by following these directions: link text). The problem is, I can't seem to find where any of the programs got installed. I can't find XCode or Interface Builder in the applications list and everytime I click on the "iPhone SDK" icon in the applications list, it re-opens finder with the same packages that I am trying to install.

    P/S: I am completely new to the the Mac world so I might be doing everything completely wrong.

  • Related Answers
  • TutorialPoint

    Your SDK applications should be located in the /developer folder. Just hit in Finder your hard drive name, and hit 'developer' folder. There, all the application are.

    And you probably went too fast trough the installation process (somewhere at where to install it to). You would've known if you didn't went so fast.

    P/S: if you're completely new to Mac, you shouldn't be trying to work on the iPhone SDK, you need some Mac knowledge as the iPhone OS looks like the Mac OS.