osx - Macbook Pro and Edimax Ethernet to USB adaptor

  • user2179427

    I am using Macbook pro 13 retina (from 2013). It does not have ethernet connector and I need to plug in ethernet cable in my work office. So I have bought EDIMAX Ethernet to USB adaptor. For some time it worked pretty well, but now when I disconnect that edimax adaptor and connect it again, my Macbook will not recognize the internet connection so I have to restart whole macbook. Can you suggest how to solve this? Thank you

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    networking - MacBook Pro (unibody) not detecting ethernet cable
  • maciej.gryka

    I've got a 15 inch unibody MacBook Pro. So far I've been using WiFi and everything worked well. I've just switched to wired network and the machine doesn't seem to detect the network cable when it's plugged in. It works when I use the same cable with a PC, so router and cable seem to be OK.

    When I look at Network Preferences while plugging the cable in, it changes to yellow light and says "No IP address" for a second and then switches back to "Cable unplugged". I've tried adding new location and using static IP, setting DHCP manually etc. Sometimes Network Preferences showed green light and everything seemed fine, but there was still no connection.

    Any ideas what's wrong?

  • Related Answers
  • Troggy

    If it is switching between no ip and "cable unplugged", you might actually have a hardware issue and a dying network port. You sound like you have gone through many of the same options/troubleshooting I would do. Your machine is under warranty, so I would take advantage of it now.
