osx - More than one UserEventAgents

  • Abcd Efg

    Recently I was checking my processes network usage in Mountain Lion using "nettop d". I noticed something odd. I always have two UserEventAgents in my nettop list with different pids. And there is of course only one of them in my activity monitor.

    I was wondering if it is something common?

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    Is is possible to have more than 16 desktop "spaces" with Mac OS X Snow Leopard?

    I know that it does not seem possible at all from the System Preferences settings, but I was wondering if there exists some software tools that would enable one to use more Spaces, say 20-25.

  • Related Answers
  • Debilski

    The setting is in Library/Preferences/com.apple.dock.plist with the keys workspaces-cols and workspaces-rows, respectively.

    Try to set it and then restart Dock. At least on my computer, however, values over four are ignored, so the following procedure should not really help:

    defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-cols 5
    defaults write com.apple.dock workspaces-cols 5

    and then

    killall Dock