raspberry pi - Motion software for IP web camera loosing connection on browser

  • user3547134

    I am using motion software on the pi to monitor video in a room. I am having some problems. whenever the raspberry pi camera board detects motion, the red light on the camera board flashes, and the video feed on the browser tries to refresh, but it says cant load page. The again, i have to refresh the page to get it going again. Then, again if the camera senses motion (for ex, a person moves near to it) the browser loses connection. I have to refresh again.

    The framerate I am using is 100.

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  • trurl

    If your hardware is supported, Launch2Net will do a good job.

    Personally, i'd never ever again use an usb-umts-dongle, too much hassle in the past (especially with mac os x). I'm now using a Huawei E5 UMTS-WLAN-Modem (up to 5 devices). No software required. No support for USSD and such, but if you do not need this, its imho the best solution for mobile internet access.