code - Movement command inside vim functions

  • thequark

    I want to display the C function to which current line belongs. I don't want to use any plugin because I work on multiple operating systems with different machine capabilities and configurations. I have tried most plugins and it doesn't work out for one reason or the other. I have to write something very basic and minimal and which works with extremely basic vim features.

    Current Solution:

    I have copied a vim function from colleague which essentially searches for a reg-ex, matching the start of a function name. It shows the name at the bottom screen for a few sec and goes away

    fun! ShowFuncName()
            let lnum = line(".")
            let col = col(".")
            echohl ModeMsg
            echo getline(search("^[^ \t#/]\\{2}.*[^:]\s*$", 'bW'))
            echohl None
            call search("\\%" . lnum . "l" . "\\%" . col . "c")


    The problem is this thing doesn't work with labels. If there is a label present in a line between the function definition and current line, the script shows the label name instead of function name.

    Otherwise the script works because it is a hard and fast rule in our codebase to always start function definition from column 1 and braces from the second line onwards.

    Proposed Fix

    Instead of search for regex, why not use the vim movement keys. That is do following:

    1. Store current line#, column#
    2. Jump back with movement keys '[[' to go to the function definition
    3. The line just above this will have C function. (this is stricly enforced in coding guidelines)
    4. print the line
    5. Jump to the line#, column# stored in step #1.

    I don't know how to do the step 2. mentioned above.

  • Answers
  • FDinoff

    I believe you want this

    function! ShowFuncName()
        let cursor_pos = getpos('.')
        echohl ModeMsg
        normal! [[k
        echo getline('.')
        echohl None
        call setpos('.', cursor_pos)

    The normal command executes [[k in normal mode moving the cursor to the function definition. Then it prints the line the cursor is on.

    The cursor position is restored to the position it was in originally using getpos() and setpos() functions.

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    vimscript - Vim: print lines from hidden buffers
  • So8res

    I'd like echo line from a hidden buffer without moving my cursor. Something like this:

    :redir! > /tmp/myfile
    :1,$print 3
    :redir end

    (I want to inspect hidden buffers without changing the window layout or the cursor position.)

    The above works great for the current buffer, but :print doesn't take a buffer as an argument.

    Is there some vim command that prints the lines in a buffer?

    (And FWIW, I can't use :w because that also changes the names and numbers of the open buffers.)

  • Related Answers
  • Ingo Karkat

    You can access lines from any buffer via the getbufline() function. Example:

    for line in getbufline(3, 1, '$')
        echo line