ftp - NetBeans IDE 6.9[.1] - Upload files on save - re-enable for session

  • Sonny

    Periodically, when I am saving files, I get the error dialog Upload files On Save failed. Disable this functionality for this session?. Sometimes I accidentally select 'Yes'. How can I re-enable that functionality for the session without re-starting the IDE?

  • Answers
  • Cristian Parvu

    I personally did not find any option to re-enable FTP Upload for session, but if you go to Project Properties and set in the Run Configuration "tab" the option Upload Files to "On Run" or "Manually", hit Ok, and then modify it again to "On Save", then the FTP Upload on save is enabled again.

    Hope this was helpful!

  • derkommissar

    I close and open the project on netbeans 7.3. And syncing works again. This is faster than restarting the IDE.

  • Related Question

    NetBeans file view?
  • Mark

    NetBeans seems to really like working with projects, but I don't want a stinkin' project, I just want to work with the files I've already got. I want to see all the files I've got in a directory in the sidebar. A tree view.

    NetBeans does have a "Files" window, but that displays all the files in a project, not in a directory. Is there an add-on that does what I want?

    I should also note that these are SVN checked out files. I'll need to commit them back. I know NetBeans has SVN support, but will it recognize the file is versioned if I open it directly? Doesn't seem to acknowledge that.

  • Related Answers
  • Dennis Williamson

    There's a Window called "Favorites" that you can open from the Window menu. Inside that Window you have a context actions that lets you add any directory in your filesystem. It will then be displayed in a treeview. you will also have context menu Actions, like you have them in the Files view for "real" projects. Also there's a plugin called "Automatic Projects" that will open ANT based projects without screwing them up, importing, etc.

  • Lokal

    As near as I can tell (I've only been using netbeans for about a month), projects are not much more than links to directories - once I "import" an existing project/directory I can browse freely from the imported directory root.

    Might not be the answer you're looking for, but easy enough to import an existing directory of files to see if it works for you - just think of it as a named bookmark.