speed - Nginx + pagespeed - images delay

  • David Strejc

    I got nginx + pagespeed setuped and I'd like to know, where can be a problem with delivering image from my server.

    According to this:


    There is some problem with image delivery - I can't find out why there is long delay between requests - I got domain sharding between three domains to let browser establish more connections but I still can't find why is the slow delivery for that one image happening.

    Many many thanks for any suggestion!

    David S.

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    Related Question

    Raspberry Pi, Mercurial and nginx
  • Vladimir Kocjancic

    I am posting this here, as apparently, I am unlikely to get any help at raspberry pi. Please bear with me.

    I have a small problem with configuring Mercurial to work with nginx using unix sockets on raspberry pi. When accessing http://myip/hg via web browser, I get 502 Bad Gateway error and error.log displays following error:

    connect() to unix:/srv/hg/mercurial.sock failed (111: Connection refused) while connecting to upstream, client: myPCIP, server: localhost, request: "GET /hg/ HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/srv/hg/mercurial.sock:", host: "myServerIP"

    I can't seem to figure out what is wrong.

    Oh and here is my default web site config:

    server {
            #listen   80; ## listen for ipv4; this line is default and implied
            #listen   [::]:80 default_server ipv6only=on; ## listen for ipv6
            root /usr/share/nginx/www;
            index index.html index.htm;
            # Make site accessible from http://localhost/
            server_name localhost;
            # mercurial setup
            location /hg {
                    root /srv/hg/;
                    auth_basic "Secure Login";
                    auth_basic_user_file /srv/hg/hgusers;
                    fastcgi_pass unix:/srv/hg/mercurial.sock;
                    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /srv/hg/$fastcgi_script_name;
                    fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $uri;
                    fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
                    fastcgi_param DOCUMENT_ROOT /srv/hg/;
                    include fastcgi_params;
                    client_max_body_size 20M;
                    fastcgi_param QUERY_STRING $query_string;
                    fastcgi_param REQUEST_METHOD $request_method;
                    fastcgi_param CONTENT_TYPE $content_type;
                    fastcgi_param CONTENT_LENGTH $content_length;
            location / {
                    # First attempt to serve request as file, then
                    # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
                    try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
                    # Uncomment to enable naxsi on this location
                    # include /etc/nginx/naxsi.rules
            # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on
            location ~ \.php$ {
                    try_files $uri =404;
                    fastcgi_pass php5-fpm-sock;
                    fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
                    fastcgi_intercept_errors on;
                    include fastcgi_params;

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