networking - OSX, Failed to listen on (reason: Permission denied)

  • Justin

    I'm on OSX Mavericks. I installed PHP 5.5 from When I go to localhost in a browser I get a page that says, "It Works!" which is not a page I created so I am not sure where it is located. Is this from the PHP install or just Apache?

    When I open my IDE (PHPStorm) and run the website, it works if I use a port like 8080. If I set the port to 80, it fails and the IDE says:

    /usr/local/php5/bin/php -S -t /mywebsitepath/

    Failed to listen on (reason: Permission denied)

    When I searched for that specific error, all I found was help for NGINX, but I am using Apache. What do I need to change to be able to run my code locally on port 80?

    I want to do this so I can use localhost instead of localhost:8080.

  • Answers
  • Yarek T

    Ports below 1024 are privileged, and cannot be bound to by anyone other than root. Since you can't run your IDE as root, I would set up an Nginx proxy going from port 80 to port 8080, should be easy to do, there are many tutorials =D

  • konqui

    The IP is reserved by the Ethernet Standards you can't use this, use instead. But as I know you really don't need to enter a IP to tell the Server on what he should listen, for that you just need the Port.

  • Related Question

    Php having access to the filesystem - getting Permission Denied
  • Hugh

    I'm trying to track down a php issue with a tool that I'm trying to install, and have tracked it down, I believe, to a permissions issue with the filesystem, I believe...

    I now have the following simple .php file:


    When I run this, I see the following error in /var/log/httpd/error_log:

    sh: /bin/ls: Permission denied

    If I change the php to run:


    Then I see the output that I was expecting.

    So it's not the execution that doesn't have permissions, it's what the executable is trying to read that is having problems.

    (The tool I am trying to get working here is phplicensewatcher - a tool for keeping an eye on what is going on with various license management daemons)


  • Related Answers
  • John T

    The first two thing I would check:

    • What user is PHP running under? If it's spawned by Apache, it is likely running as "nobody", "www" or "apache" depending on the version and configuration.

    • What directory are you trying to list? Check the permissions on that directory. Does the user PHP is running as have permission to access that directory?