Pass parameters via command line argument to .exe

  • abhilash sukumari

    How can I pass parameters from cmd prompt ?? I am trying to follow the following instructions:

    For information about usage and parameters, simply run PGRIdleStateFix from the command prompt.
    The parameters are:
    -Disables all processor sleep states
    -Enables processor sleep states
    -Prints the current status of processor sleep states
  • Answers
  • user234999

    Open a command prompt (Windows+R, type "cmd" and hit enter). Then change to the directory housing your executable ("cd enter-your-directory-here"), and run the command with the parameters.

    If you'd like to do it via the menu shortcut (assuming installing that utility adds a start menu shortcut), navigate to the menu item, but instead of clicking it, right-click and select properties. At the end of the "Target:" field, add your parameter.

  • gronostaj

    First type the program name, then the parameters separated with spaces. For example:

    MyCommand param1 param2 param3

    To run the command prompt press Win+R, then type cmd and press Enter. To change directory, type cd DirectoryName (you can use relative directories, .. is the parent directory). To change current drive, type its letter, for example D:.

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    I have a VM with Internet Explorer6 installed (and another with Internet Explorer7), and using the shortcut publishing functionality I can launch those from the host OS (Windows 7). But I don't want to just launch them, I want command line parameters to them.

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    I tried just adding another parameter to the shortcut I have (which launches VMSal.exe) but that doesn't work...

  • Related Answers
  • Tom Wijsman

    Either pass it on through a VBscript, start cmd and run it there or use a batch file in XP mode.

    VMSal.exe does not support parameter passing...

  • Ujjwal Singh

    Manual Publishing using a script having parameters: "CommandLineSetting": 2[Allways Require] and "RequiredCommandLine": Param1 Param2 works; follow: