windows 7 - Prevent a process from preventing a file from being written by another process

  • bolov

    My scenario: I just updated to Visual Studio 2013 update 2. The process VCPkgSrv.exe (Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Package Server) who — from what I have gathered from the internet — is associated with intellisense and autocomplete, malfunctions (I use a CTP version of the compiler who is ahead of intellisense in features implemented) and keeps some headers from being accessed, a process needed very often in my workflow:

    I have two C++ solution (so 2 Visual Studio processes devenv.exe)

    • devenv.exe 1 - compiles a static library. A custom post–build event copies the headers from the project folder to the release folder. This fails (more details bellow).
    • devend.exe 2 - is a solution for testing the library. So it includes the headers from the release folder. The VCPkgSrv.exe started by this process keeps some headers in the release folder from being written by devenv.exe 1.

    Every time I compile, I have to manually end the process VCPkgSrv.exe started by devend.exe 2 (it automatically restarts) which is very unproductive and stressful.

    Error details:
    The custom event is a script which uses xcopy. When reaching the first file it cannot copy it outputs: Sharing violation. When trying to delete said file from the release folder manually the error The action cannot be completed because the file is opened in Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Package Server pops out. Process Explorer shows that handles to these files are opened by VCPkgSrv.exe – a child of devend.exe 2.

    Up until the update, the Microsoft (R) Visual C++ Package Server crashed with don’t send error so there wasn’t a problem. Now the process doesn’t crash, but keeps the file opened which is a problem (ironic, isn’t it?).

    Is there a way to prevent the process from getting a handler to these files (keep in mind that the files get recreated at every compilation (xcopy from bat script)? Or better yet, to let him get a handle in share mode (if that is possible)?

    One other drastic solution would be to prevent devend.exe 2 from starting VCPkgSrv.exe altogether. Is this possible?

    Can you think of another solution? Ultimately I will reinstall VS without the update, but I am hopping for a smart solution.

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    How can I find out which process is locking a file or folder in Windows?

    For instance if you are trying to delete a folder and windows reports

    "The action can't be completed because the folder is open in another program"

  • Related Answers
  • Daniel Beck

    Several options:

    Microsoft/SysInternals Process Explorer - Go to Find > Find Handle or DLL. In the "Handle or DLL substring:" text box, type the path to the file (e.g. "C:\path\to\file.txt") and click "Search". All processes which have an open handle to that file should be listed.

    WhoLockMe - Explorer extension which adds a right-click menu option

  • Peter Westlake

    Install SysInternals' Process Explorer, and search for the file using the Find... menu.