Printing text files with 320 columns per line from Windows XP via IE or notepad

  • reachsam777

    I am trying to print plain text files which are just formatted reports. The reports are standardized at 320 characters per line.

    They are printed on A3 paper in landscape. We use a Tally MT691 printer. And the computers running on Windows XP

    I have noticed that when i print this text file from the windows command prompt using the print command, the printer is able to print upto 320 characters.

    But when i print the same text file by opening it in the IE(vesion 6) and from the notepad, the printer truncates after 159 columns and wraps after 146 columnns respectively.

    How can i achieve the command line printing behavior from notepad/IE.. Am i doing something wrong? Can somebody please help.

  • Answers
  • BuLL

    Why does it happen?

    When you use the command line print command, the data is sent straight to the printer without any modification. Thus all the data is printed as long as the data lies within the printable area of the paper loaded in the printer.

    When you use an application - notepad or IE. The data is formatted by the application (and the printer driver) before sending it to the printer. In order to get the correct formatting, you will have to select the correct paper size and margin.

    How to do it?

    • Open the file in the application.
    • Go to print dialog (ctrl+p) and ensure that correct printer is selected (if you have multiple printers selected).
    • Then go to File Menu (alt+f) and select "Page Setup". Ensure that A3 paper size is selected and orientation is landscape.
    • Also you may set the margin values to 0. Please note the application will reset the margin value to some minimum value based on the printer that you use.
    • Click ok and print the job.

    You may also File>"Print Preview" in IE to check if the data is formatted properly for the print.

    Hope this helps.

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    Any suggestions?

  • Related Answers
  • Phoshi

    You're looking for the *nix tool fold. It's availible in Cygwin, if you already have it, or UnxUtils, and probably some other ports I'm unaware of.

    Usage like:

    fold -4 file.txt

    to fold into 4-character lines. (Outputs to Standard Output, so don't forget to redirect to another file :))