linux - Process killed on ssh disconnect despite screen/nohup

  • NotSqrt

    I am facing a rather strange situation:

    • ssh to a beaglebone (details : uname -a = "Linux beaglebone 3.2.34 #1 Wed Nov 21 14:17:11 CET 2012 armv7l GNU/Linux", ssh server : Dropbear sshd v2012.55)
    • launch any kind of process through screen, or nohup or /etc/init.d/
    • logout
    • re-ssh into it
    • observe that the process is no longer there..

    When using a second ssh connection, I can observe that the launched process is killed at the disconnection.

    I've seen posts like What exactly determines if a backgrounded job is killed when the shell is exited, or killed?, but still can't understand this behaviour, which is clearly not the way screen and other disowned processes are supposed to work.

    $ shopt huponexit
    huponexit       off

    I had to resort to using cron commands to persist the process

    Why are detached processes killed at disconnection ?

    Do you see other things to look for ?

  • Answers
  • MariusMatutiae

    It seems strange nohup does not work, but that can easily be put to test, as follows:

      { sleep 999; echo $? > exitcode ; } &
      fuser -1 -k /bin/sleep
      expr $(cat exitcode) - 128

    This will print the return code minus 128, which is exactly the number of the signal that killed it. You can list them simply by doing:

      kill -l 

    Now try this instead:

      rm exitcode
      { nohup sleep 999; echo $? > exitcode; } &
      fuser -1 -k /bin/sleep
      ls -l exitcode

    If nohup works, at this point you will be told that there is no such file. You can double-check this by doing:

      fuser -15 -k /bin/sleep
      expr $(cat exitcode) -128

    and finding this value to be 15.


    Your last comment was quite revealing: it means the SIGHUP is not sent to the process (sleep, in this case) but directly to your shell. This can be done ony by Dropberar, of course. A little research showed that Dropbear does indeed kill all user processes at logoff.

    You can turn this annoying feature by adding the line


    at the end of the Service stanza in /lib/systemd/[email protected] file. Then either reboot or restart Dropbear.

  • Related Question

    linux - Nohup does not run process in background
  • V_V

    I run

    nohup bash -c "while [ true ]; do echo test; done"

    from PuTTy SSH client, but after this process is not running in background instead nohup keeps to be foreground process in shell.

    SW version: nohup (GNU coreutils) 8.5

  • Related Answers
  • Randy Orrison
    nohup bash -c "while [ true ]; do echo test; done" &

    Nohup provides you immunity to hangup signals. But it does not automatically set the process to background.

    It's the & at the end of the command that causes it to run in the background.