raspberry pi compatible modem capable of SMS/3G

  • user3547134

    I request you guys to suggest a list of USB modems (3G/4G) which work with the pi in the USA.

    My requirements are:

    1. good 3G/4G connection
    2. External antenna support
    3. SMS function supported (outgoing). gammu or something else.
    4. Api compatible
    5. Directly detcted as a ethernet device, without sakis3G. I am really skeptical about sakis3G, as I belive there are lot of connection issues. I am ok with using sakis3g if I can get it connected automatically o boot, and if there will be not much connection issues.

    http://elinux.org/RPi_VerifiedPeriphera ... 3G_Dongles

    I went though the above link. But I am not able to find out which ones support both 3g/sms

    This is because recently I bought a set of unlocked huawei E353 modems from another country. But they dont seems to work here in USA. I am getting only a 2G signal here. But the frequency bands are the same.

    Also, I bought a set of ZTEMf70 modems which gave a good 3g signal, but did not support sms.

    SO, I request you to please suggest a modem which will work fine with 3G/SMS. Also, if you know any modems compatible with sakis3g, do you recommend it?? because sakis3G seems kind of buggy to me. Please reply back with the modems and links to them would be helpful.

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    Alternative 3G Modem to replace Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite?
  • dwynne

    I'm based in the UK and have a Vodafone K3520-Z 3G Modem which by default comes with Vodafone Mobile Connect Lite to manage connecting to their 3G network.

    The software's awful and I'm fairly sure it's responsible for some blue screens I've been having.

    Does anyone know of any alternatives to replace it?

  • Related Answers
  • William Hilsum

    Yes - and I have also seen it responsible for blue screens, You can install the standalone driver for the modem, then simply use it as any other modem e.g. create a new connection, choose it as the device and ring a number - I forget the number off by heart, but if you look in the connect software (If you don't mind launching it once more) it should be there.

    Also, you can try updating the firmware in the device - it is still bad, but works a bit better. (If you can't find it on the FAQ part, try the forum - it is where I got an update from.