keyboard shortcuts - Redhat linux terminal profile location

  • Dinesh

    I am using VNC to connect to a remote machine where I used to set preferences for the terminal like my own keyboard shortcuts.

    Can anybody tell me where these profile configuration is getting saved ?

    The reason is, sometimes, I may loose the VNC and later I may have to create new VNC session for that red-hat server and I am loosing my terminal profile information.

    Because of this, I am forced to do my custom terminal profile settings redundantly.

  • Answers
  • mtak

    The location of the config file is depending on the terminal application being used. If you are using Gnome Terminal the settings are stored in ~/.gconf/apps/gnome-terminal.

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    osx - .profile in Mac OS X?
  • OscarRyz

    I have set my terminal preferences to execute:

     set -o vi 

    at startup. The problem is I don't get that command executed when open a new terminal tab.

    Is there something like .profile in OS X where I can put that command?

  • Related Answers
  • Simone Carletti

    The .profile file in MacOSX works exactly how you would expect. Simply create the .profile file in your user directory if it doesn't exist.

  • pjmorse

    Because, as noted, Terminal has used bash by default for a few versions, you may want to keep an eye out for a .bash_profile file if .profile isn't present. See the "which startup files are read by the shell?" FAQ at which explain how the different files are used and the order in which they're read at startup.