osx - Remove from the transfer list when seeding completes

  • David Custer

    Remove from the transfer list when seeding completes + Remove Data File...

    When the torrent finishes downloading, hazel starts to process. The only problem Is I would like to seed. So I use the script below to copy the torrents as they finish to a post process folder. I have "Remove from the transfer list when seeding completes" checked. But I have to go in and manually clean up the completed folder. Can I add a line to my script below to Remove from the transfer list when seeding completes + Remove Data File...?

    Here is my post process script (The rest is done with Hazel):

    if [ -e "$TR_TORRENT_DIR/$TR_TORRENT_NAME" ]; then
    cp -R "$TR_TORRENT_DIR/$TR_TORRENT_NAME" "$HOME/Transmission/Post Process/" 2>/dev/null
    # This is were I would like to insert it.

    I am running OS X 10.9.2 & Transmission 2.82 (14160)

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    Related Question

    linux - Configure rTorrent to stop downloading after a certain file size
  • Graham

    I am looking for a way to configure rTorrent to stop downloading all torrents after they have downloaded x amount. For example, specify 15mb and as soon as the torrent reaches that size have it finish downloading the pieces it has requested and then start seeding partially completed. If you can even point me in the right direction script wise, shell or python and how to interact with tTorrent like this I would consider it answered, thanks.


    The reason for this is I'm trying to come up with a way to build ratio on a site where torrents are added very fast and at a very high frequency. I download and add the torrents to rTorrent automatically via RSS, but I only want to download a small amount and seed that small piece while there are still a lot of people in the swarm (swarm drops off very quickly) and come out with a positive ratio from that small piece, beating the ratio clock so to speak. I thought it would be an interesting all be it somewhat impractical exercise in shell scripting, if rTorrent can be hooked into like that, documentation is sparse in some areas.

  • Related Answers
  • VxJasonxV

    With the current stable version of rTorrent (0.8.6), there are very few "triggering" options. Where previously (0.7 and below, if memory serves) there was a "schedule" command you can drop in your rtorrent rc, now there is only the ratio.* grouping.

    That means that we've gone from this in previous versions:

    # example: stop at ratio 2.0 with at least 200 MB uploaded, or else ratio 20.0  
    schedule = ratio,60,60,"stop_on_ratio=200,200M,2000"

    To this is 0.8:

    system.method.set = group.seeding.ratio.command, d.close=, d.erase=

    You would imagine you could set ratio.min to 0, and ratio.upload to 15M, unfortunately I came across a relevant ticket on libtorrent's TRAC.

    Per the comment on that ticket, the ratio settings will only fire upon completion, and continue to be evaluated after the fact.

    I don't believe rTorrent/libTorrent offers what you want to do.