linux - Running bash script outside of directory

  • user2612587

    I am trying to run a script that's in a directory I have admin rights for, but I am trying to run it from somewhere that is not the directory.. I.E. its a generate load in script that reads all the files in the directory and it gives an output based on those files. But when I try to call it from the terminal it doesn't run unless active directory is the directory where the script is located, is this a permissions issue?

    I have tried running it this way:

    sh /path/to/file/FILE

    but when I cd to directory and run


    it runs fine.

    Permissions for my account:

    drwxrwxr-x 5 edennis edennis       4096 Nov 14 14:35 . 

    Permissions for script:

    -rwxrwxr-x 1 edennis edennis       3644 Nov 14 11:45 zScript

    Permissions for files script is accessing:

    -rw-rw-r-- 1 edennis edennis   10437424 Oct 15 10:27 document.txt

    Contents of script:

    for file in *.txt
    echo "this is my favorite file " "$file" >> output.txt;
  • Answers
  • slhck

    The problem is that you still remain in the current directory when you run the script. So, the line

    for file in *.txt

    will expand the glob (*.txt) to all text files in your current directory. Of course, if your current directory (not the script's directory!) doesn't have any text files, you won't get any output.

    If you want to change to the script's directory from within the script (which would make the *.txt glob work), see this Stack Overflow post: Can a Bash script tell what directory it's stored in?

    While we're at it – don't forget to quote "$file" properly when you use to prevent a filename with spaces from breaking your commands. It doesn't matter in your case because echo doesn't care about the arguments, but it's a good habit to develop.

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  • sixtyfootersdude

    Hey All, wrote this script to confuse my girlfriend when she is using my computer. The only trouble is that if the terminal gets closed the script stops to execute. It currently executes in the background but how can I make it run in the background but not in a terminal?

    (sleep 5; say "Hello Girlfriend")&

  • Related Answers
  • John T

    You could schedule it to run at a specific time with at or cron in the background.

  • Dennis Williamson

    Have you tried nohup?

    nohup command >/dev/null 2>&1 &
  • dmckee

    I promise that no matter how much she likes you, 5 seconds is too fast an interval. Really.

    nohup (and in bash disown) will allow you to detach the process from the initiating terminal.

  • AxeZ

    You can suspend execution by Ctrl-Z and then let it run in the background with bg ( background ).

    If you want to bring it forth then fg or %.

  • akira

    use at or cron as john suggested, and then use wall to send her a message to her terminal.