Screwed drive permissions, share between OSX and Ubuntu

  • user245987

    I was looking on how to share files between my OSX and Linux systems, with this in mind, I've formatted the file system to HFS+, disabled journaling in OSX, and finally dumped all my files as "Storage"(label of the drive).

    This worked fine, however, in linux, I apparently still couldn't write to the file system, it said "Can't write, not owner", the properties window showed onwer #99. After a little digging up I've found that this indeed is the uid OSX uses to easy share of drives between different file systems. But still linux couldn't write to it.

    So I've thought "hey, let me chmod this to a free for all permissions" big mistake, I've made chmod -R 777 /pathto/volume, this made all subfolders un-accessible. Now I'm trying to connect the drive again in OSX and somehow "fix" the drive, if thats possible, but the drive isn't even showing up in disk utility when I connect it.

    How can I proceed here? How can I fix permissions in Linux or OSX. And after that whats the best way to share between the two? I mean, can't I use uid #99 in linux??

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    Can't change permission/ownership/group of external hard drive on Ubuntu
  • MikeN

    I have an external hard drive connected to my Linux box. I wanted to setup a web server to access files on it, but the permission on all files and directories on the drive are rwx for the owner which is my local login, and the group is the root group.

    I need the files readable by the apache user, I was trying to set all files to be chmod a+rwx -R *, but this doesn't do anything (gives no errors, just has no effect.) I tried changing the group using chgrp to my user group, but that won't work either, it gives me errors that I lack permission even when I run all those commands as sudo!

    What's up with this hard drive??? sudo chmod a+rwx * should work on anything, right?

  • Related Answers
  • John T

    Check the filesystem type it's using first with df -T:

    sys@p:~$ df -T
    Filesystem    Type   1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    ext3          ext3    19222656   1050948  17195164   6% /
    tmpfs        tmpfs     1684988         0   1684988   0% /lib/init/rw
    udev         tmpfs       10240        64     10176   1% /dev
    tmpfs        tmpfs     1684988         0   1684988   0% /dev/shm

    If it's mounted on /mnt/external for example you will see that in the far right column. You can see the filesystem type in the second column. If it's NTFS, you'll want NTFS-3G (probably already installed, if not sudo apt-get install ntfs-config then gksu ntfs-config). Linux already has FAT support for read & write although they do not support permissions.

    If you want an NTFS partition mounted with ownership applied to a specific user/group, specify it in the mount switches:

    mount -o uid=username,gid=groupname /dev/sdc /path/to/mount

    If you change to ext3 as suggested above, you can use chown:

    chown -R user *
    chown -R user .
  • quack quixote

    As Kim said, you'll only get Unix permissions and ownership on a Unix filesystem. ext3 is a good candidate.

    If you must use this drive without reformatting, you can do it with options to the mount command that specify the owner, group, and/or read/write permissions. These options affect all files on the drive (see John T's answer for how to determine the FSTYPE):

    # list files as owned by X, use numerical UID as found in /etc/passwd
    $ mount -t <FSTYPE> -o uid=X /dev/?? /path/to/mount/point
    # list files as owned by group Y, use numerical GID found in /etc/passwd
    $ mount -t <FSTYPE> -o gid=Y /dev/?? /path/to/mount/point
    # list files as accessible per umask 
    #   (022 gives rwx permissions to owner, r-x permissions to everyone else)
    $ mount -t <FSTYPE> -o umask=022 /dev/?? /path/to/mount/point
    # combine all of the above:
    $ mount -t <FSTYPE> -o uid=X,gid=Y,umask=022 /dev/?? /path/to/mount/point
  • Kim

    It's probably formatted as FAT, which doesn't support file permissions. Use ext3 instead.

  • Kazark

    I did this and it worked:

    sudo umount /dev/sda3 /media/windows1
    sudo umount /dev/sda5 /media/windows2

    and then

    sudo mount -o rwx /dev/sda3 /media/windows1
    sudo mount -o rwx /dev/sda5 /media/windows2

    Note that I am Using Ubuntu 11.10 and sda3 is my Windows C:, sda5 is G:.