networking - sharing internet from one windows 7 computer through ethernet to other computers

  • user293378

    I have a usb modem that i use with my computer to access internet. Now I want to share the internet to other computers using ethernet cable. I'm using a switch to direct ethernet cables to other computers. I have right-clicked the internet that i am using and selected the box to allow other computers to use internet from my computer.

    The problem is this: when i try to troubleshoot the internet connection from any of the other computer, i'm getting the following error:

    Investigate router or broadband modem issues If you are connected to a hotspot or domain network, contact the networ administrator. Otherwise: 1. Unplug or turn off the device. 2. After all the lights on the device are off, wait at least 10 seconds. 3. Turn the device on or plug it back into the power outlet. To restart a router or modem that has a built-in battery, press and quickly release the Reset button.

    I have tried doing that over the past 48 hours without success, despite the fact that the connection had been working for one month without problems. No one has changed the settings, since all computers are obtaining ip addresses automatically.

    Anyone to help me out in this problem? I will really appreciate.

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  • Alexander Questioning Bresee

    I have two computers on my desk, and my router is across the room. I have 1 long ethernet cable connecting my windows 7 PC to the internet. I've been using wireless on my Ubuntu laptop, but this is getting irksome. So, I'd like to connect my laptop to the internet through its ethernet port by connecting a crossover cable from my laptop to my PC's second ethernet port.

    I've googled a bit and the recommendations seem to be to use ICS (which just seems to completely kill my connection) or to bridge the connections (which doesn't kill the connection on my windows computer, but I'm then unsure how to configure things so that my ubuntu computer has a connection).


  • Related Answers
  • nhinkle

    A bridged connection is the better solution. If you set up the bridge properly, and set your Ubuntu computer to automatically get an IP address from DHCP, it should work. Connection bridging in Windows usually forward DHCP requests to the router the Windows computer is attached to, and so the bridged computer appears to the router as if it were its own computer. Does this work for you?