c# - Should i be worried about high CPU usage

  • Andrew Simpson

    This may seem an odd thing to ask.

    I have created a C# desktop application. It runs motion detection - real time - from images supplied from an IP camera.

    When I look at task manager (or other such tools) the Memory (Private Working) stays steady at 93,000K (or there about).

    The RAM also remains steady at around 3.09GB.

    the CPU usage on the other hand is erratic. From 30% to 80%. Up and down it goes..

    Is this actually a good thing? Is this showing my app is making good use of the memory resources on my PC?

    I can still use other applications on my desktop like MS Word etc.

    What should I do if it max'es out to 100% CPU usage and remains there for some time? Should I look to 'throttle' such behaviour and if so how?

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    osx snow leopard - Mac OS X: What is using my 'active' memory?
  • badcat

    I'm using a recent MacBook Pro with 8 GB of RAM and after a few hours of using it at work I notice the amount of 'active' memory growing and growing.

    Whenever I reboot my Mac, everything looks fine and it is hardly using any RAM. But after a few hours it looks like this:


    As you can see, in this case it's about 4.3 GB.

    Being a developer, I know that 'active memory' is the amount of memory that is currently used by running processes. So the first thing I did was quitting all applications and killing all processes that don't seem to belong to Mac OS X.

    After I did that, my active memory came down about 400 MB, but got stuck at what you see in the screenshot. There are no more processes or applications to quit.

    Now I'm wondering what is actually holding on to the memory? top and Activity Monitor don't report any processes with a high memory usage.

    Any ideas?


    Update 1:

    Thanks to Doug Harris' answer I made this screenshot. It shows an active memory usage of 2.55 GB system wide, but only a 1.55 GB memory usage which the ps command calculates.

    enter image description here

    I'm not sure where the rest of the 2.55 GB is gone or where it is allocated. I have Instruments installed, but since this does happen over a span of a few hours, it is difficult to use Instruments. This feels like a memory leak somewhere in the OS. Maybe a driver (although I don't have any kernel extensions installed - checked with kextstat).

    Personally I think it would be interesting to be able to see "more" about the memory management status. Under Linux there is some information under "/proc" available, afaik.

  • Related Answers
  • Doug Harris

    Even though no single process has high memory usage, there are still lots of processes running -- that all adds up.

    Using ps and other command line tools, you can drill deeper into this.

    First, use options to ps to limit what is shown to just resident memory and the name of the command. -m sorts output by memory usage, -a shows all users' processes, -x shows processes not associated with a terminal (i.e. most mac apps).

    $ ps -axm -o "rss,comm" 

    Here's the first few lines I see:

       RSS COMM
    210256 /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin
    158276 /Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome
    155360 /Applications/iTunes.app/Contents/MacOS/iTunes

    It's no shock to me that these are at the top (and the Chrome process shown is just one of a bunch). The RSS column is expressed as 1024 byte blocks. So iTunes is using about 151.7 MB.

    That output is formatted well enough that you could throw it into a spreadsheet to analysis if you like analyzing things that way. I'll stick to the command line a little longer

    String together a bunch more to see the sum of all processes:

    $ ps -axm -o "rss,comm" | awk 'BEGIN { s=0;}; {s=s+$1;}; END { printf("%.2f GB\n", (s/1024.0/1024));}'

    The output I see for that is 2.44 GB, not exactly what I see for Active memory in Activity Monitor, but close enough that I can use ps to get to the bottom of this.

    You can add together just those processes using more than 100MB:

    $ ps -axm -o "rss,comm" | awk 'BEGIN { c=0;s=0;}; ($1 > 100000) {c=c+1;s=s+$1;}; END { printf("%.2f GB from %d processes\n", (s/1024.0/1024),c);}'
    0.98 GB from 8 processes

    I haven't told you exactly what is using your mac's memory, but these tools will help you discover.

  • chiggsy

    man -k DTrace. Those tools are the ones that will solve this. Goodluck

  • Gordon Davisson

    It sounds like one of the system processes is leaking memory (either that, or increasing numbers of system processes are being run for some reason). You can check this directly in Activity Monitor by switching the pop-up menu in the toolbar from My Processes to All Processes, then sorting by the Real Mem column. Look for processes using lots of real memory, and/or lots of instances of the same process name. This won't solve the problem, but should at least give you an idea where it's coming from.

  • Yann Bizeul

    To me, it seems like active memory is just free'd memory available for reuse, but not specifically marked as "free"