suddenly windows 7 asks for username and password

  • mok

    I think my computer has been infected with a kind of virus or malware.
    Yesterday I locked my windows and went out of house, at return as I tried to use it again it asked for a password! (I'm pretty sure that I didn't set it). So I tried some passwords but none of them worked. So I put a windows 7 installation disk into my computer and did some none sense things. Finally I restarted my computer and it offered to repair the windows, I chose this option and it logged me in finally (without any user/pass required). Obviously I thought that was trivial and after a while I locked it again and now it asks me for password again!

    Fortunately I've created another user with administrator privileges but I cannot reset the (unset!!!) password of the main account, It says "Access is denied".

    Interestingly as I restarted the computer and wanted to log in with my new account it asked me for both username and password!!!! (I've never seen such a thing), even the picture of the account was missing, but fortunately I remembered them.

    Any ideas?

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    Related Question

    browser - Google chrome asking for username and password for OWA
  • Grant

    i have a question about the google chrome browser.

    When i navigate to my work's Outlook Web Access site to read my emails, the chrome browser is prompting me for a username and password to the server saying "Authentication Required - the server XXXXXX.XXX:443 requires a username and password.

    After i put them in i then have to enter in the normal OWA username and password to access my emails as per normal.

    The funny thing is..

    1] If i click CANCEL on the first dialog it takes me to the OWA screen and i can log in normal anyway. However - subqeuent page clicks will keep prompting me each time for the server credentials.

    2] I am NOT prompted for server UN and PW if i use IE or fireFox.

    Does anyone know how to stop chrome from asking me each time? or is it a server setting - i do know that a friend who uses the same browser (chrome) and also OWA does not have the same problem (NB: they work at a different company)


  • Related Answers
  • dlamblin

    This is probably a proxy username and password having do do with either a pac file that chrome doesn't auto-discover, but IE and Firefox do or NTLM authentication. And yes, some proxies will ask for authentication, then proceed to function just dandy without being authenticated, although they will keep asking.

  • Anthony

    Try putting in the full path to the OWA site in Chrome, including the "https://", I've noticed on our WES that if you don't put the https:// and if you leave off the /owa at the end, it will flash an error page that redirects to the main login. So maybe Chrome handles that redirect page differently.

  • Colyn1337

    If your organization is using a logo or retrieves any of the images using an FTP path, you'll have to authenticate for that FTP connection. This would be why, even if you don't authenticate, you can still get to the OWA site. Have your OWA admin check where the images are being hosted from and redress (move them to your company website perhaps?) accordingly.