centos 6 - Tomcat server installation error in Eclipse?

  • ram

    I installed tomcat server successfully, I checked also in the web browser using http://localhost:8080 it gives, and when I configure Tomcat in Eclipse it is showing an error like in this screenshot.

    I installed tomcat6 by running the following commands:

    cd /home/mpatil/Downloads/  
    tar zxvf apache-tomcat-6.0.37.tar.gz  
    cd apache-tomcat-6.0.37/bin  

    I hope someone can resolve this problem. Thanks in advance.

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    Related Question

    eclipse: start a tomcat project
  • ufk

    How can I start a tomcat project with eclipse? I don't want a plugin that starts and stop my tomcat server, I just want to properly start a tomcat project and compile it.

    any ideas?

    I tried Eclipse Tomcat launcher plug-in by Sysdeo, doesn't seem to work properly with latest eclipse (javaee version). i can't start a new project.

  • Related Answers
  • ufk

    I tried working with the sysdeo plugin, but it's no use for me because i'm creating a tomcat project that will run on red5 so the plugin complains that i don't have any tomcat servers to start. but it seems that we don't realy need it.

    the guy who commented your question is absolutely right. using eclipse helios java ee version you can create a 'dynamic web project' which is a tomcat project. it's under the 'web' projects category.