TOR security in a static IP

  • yannick

    At my work place i am provided with a static IP. WHere in many of the important sites are blocked for various reasons. Will accessing those sites using Tor browser get detected on the main server....?

  • Answers
  • ultrasawblade

    The destination will see traffic coming from a Tor exit node and not your static IP.

    A list of Tor exit nodes is publicly available and therefore server operators can choose to block it, but it's fruitless to try to trace it back to origin.

    If you meant if someone from your network or workplace could detect what sites you are visiting, if you are not also causing your DNS lookups to go through Tor, then your network's DNS server or any intermediate device could be logging those requests and know what sites you were trying to visit.

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  • Jay White

    I use XeroBank Browser to access the tor network on windows. For the last few days the default homepage, has a certificate error and always shows my connection as insecure.

    Since tor is still working, should it not show as secure regardless of the website itself working?

  • Related Answers
  • grawity

    Tor and HTTP/SSL are separate security layers. SSL could be broken even if Tor is working.

    Remember that the exit node in a Tor circuit always sees the data you're transferring. If you are not using SSL, then the connection is not secure and your traffic can be read anywhere between the exit node and the HTTP server. (I have even seen exit nodes injecting JavaScript adverts to visited pages.)

    As for, it is using a SSL certificate that expired in June 2010, but is otherwise a legitimate certificate issued by GoDaddy. If it showed up only recently, you should suspect trouble at the web server itself.