Tried to change wireless name and password and can no longer connect

  • John E

    The one computer that's hooked up to the router with an ethernet cable still works, but none of the passwords (old or new) are working, even after changing the name back. I tried a factory reset, got myself to the page where it's asking me to login to the router, but the things people are suggesting (various combinations of "admin" for username/password) aren't working.

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    Related Question

    windows - Can't connect back to the wireless network after the password was changed
  • 7777

    Family changed the network password and some other network settings after new computers were brought into the house because apparently they wouldn't work with what we had. Actually an off-site tech remotely changed it, and I have no idea what he did. My laptop detects the network (it shows up under available networks) but whenever I try to connect it says:

    Windows is unable to connect to the selected network. The network may no longer be in range. Please refresh the list of available networks, and try to connect again.

    I wish I could give more details, config settings, but frankly I have no idea what I'm looking for. This is XP (also, not a password issue, I know the password, it's just that I have no idea where to enter it, etc.)

  • Related Answers
  • pratyk

    Control Panel > Network Connections

    right click on your WLAN connection and select Properties

    click the button Configure next to the Wireless Network Adapter, then open the Wireless Networks tab

    alt text

    delete your network from the list Preferred networks. now let windows pick it up again and use your new WLAN key to connect

  • Matt

    Perhaps you think you have the right password, but in reality it isn't. So either login to the router and verify it, or if you can't get into the router because you don't have that password, you need to reset it. If you need more help then post your router model. I would also suggest that perhaps when the new computers were added the the off-site tech may have flashed the firmware on your router and now some setting in the router setup isn't playing noce with your configuration/or adapter.

  • Breadtruck

    Did it come back and ask you to enter a password after trying to connect to it. Do you use DCHP for your laptop configuring. Take a look at how the other computers connect to your wireless network. Ip settings, security key like pratyk suggested

  • 7777

    Thanks for the suggestions everyone. We solved two problems, a) we were able to remember the original router password, and b) the technician came back and was able to reset our settings. I'm including screencaps of our final router settings in case this helps anyone and up-voting (and annotating/commenting) the things we tried that worked.

    Basic Settings

    alt text

    Wireless Settings

    alt text

    Block Sites

    alt text


    alt text


    alt text

    Router Status

    alt text

    Connection Status

    alt text

    Serial Port Status

    alt text

    Attached Devices

    alt text

    LAN IP Setup

    alt text

    These are screencaps of everything I thought relevant. If some are not, feel free to delete those particular ones!