apache2 - Upgrade PHP to 5.4.14 on OS X 10.7.5 Lion

  • Mike Kormendy

    I am trying to upgrade PHP on my Mac. I have downloaded PHP 5.4.14 and have no problems with the configuration command:

    ./configure \
     --prefix=/usr \
     --mandir=/usr/share/man \
     --infodir=/usr/share/info \
     --sysconfdir=/private/etc \
     --with-apxs2=/usr/sbin/apxs \
     --enable-cli \
     --with-config-file-path=/etc \
     --with-libxml-dir=/usr \
     --with-openssl=/usr \
     --with-kerberos=/usr \
     --with-zlib=/usr \
     --enable-bcmath \
     --with-bz2=/usr \
     --enable-calendar \
     --with-curl=/usr \
     --enable-dba \
     --enable-exif \
     --enable-ftp \
     --with-gd \
     --with-freetype-dir=/usr/X11 \
     --with-jpeg-dir=/BinaryCache/apache_mod_php/apache_mod_php-66.6~1/Root/usr/local \
     --with-png-dir=/usr/X11 \
     --enable-gd-native-ttf \
     --with-icu-dir=/usr \
     --with-iodbc=/usr \
     --with-ldap=/usr \
     --with-ldap-sasl=/usr \
     --with-libedit=/usr \
     --enable-mbstring \
     --enable-mbregex \
     --with-mysql=mysqlnd \
     --with-mysqli=mysqlnd \
     --without-pear \
     --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd \
     --with-mysql-sock=/var/mysql/mysql.sock \
     --with-readline=/usr \
     --enable-shmop \
     --with-snmp=/usr \
     --enable-soap \
     --enable-sockets \
     --enable-sysvmsg \
     --enable-sysvsem \
     --enable-sysvshm \
     --with-tidy \
     --enable-wddx \
     --with-xmlrpc \
     --without-iconv \
     --with-xsl=/usr \
     --enable-zip \
     --with-pcre-regex=/usr \
     --with-pgsql=/usr \

    When I do a make test I get a long slew of stuff with the following at the end:

    Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
      "_php_pcre_compile", referenced from:
          _pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache in php_pcre.o
      "_php_pcre_exec", referenced from:
          _php_pcre_grep_impl in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_replace_impl in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_match_impl in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_split_impl in php_pcre.o
          _check_fmt in softmagic.o
          _php_filter_validate_email in logical_filters.o
          _php_filter_validate_regexp in logical_filters.o
      "_php_pcre_free", referenced from:
          _php_pcre_match_impl in php_pcre.o
      "_php_pcre_fullinfo", referenced from:
          _pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_grep_impl in php_pcre.o
          _make_subpats_table in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_replace_impl in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_match_impl in php_pcre.o
          _php_pcre_split_impl in php_pcre.o
      "_php_pcre_get_substring_list", referenced from:
          _php_pcre_match_impl in php_pcre.o
      "_php_pcre_maketables", referenced from:
          _pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache in php_pcre.o
      "_php_pcre_study", referenced from:
          _pcre_get_compiled_regex_cache in php_pcre.o
      "_php_pcre_version", referenced from:
          _zm_info_pcre in php_pcre.o
          _zm_startup_pcre in php_pcre.o
    ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
    clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
    make: *** [libs/libphp5.bundle] Error 1

    I have updated PCRE on the system to version 8.32, and I require it due to some zlib dependencies amongst other things and general perl regular expression stuff. I'm at a loss as to why my make test won't pass.

    Any help would be appreciated to fix this problem.

  • Answers
  • emcconville

    Option 1

    Simply remove the --with-pcre-regex options. Modern version of PHP ship with PCRE library (located in ext/pcre/pcrelib), and is considered part of the core PHP build.

    From php.net,


    As of PHP 5.3.0 this extension cannot be disabled and is therefore always present.

    It is still possible to build against an external PCRE library by using --with-pcre-regex=DIR

    Option 2

    As the note above states, you can build PHP with an external PCRE library. To do so, updated the --with-pcre-regex option with value returned by pcre-config --prefix.

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    Is there a setting I can change to make it always respond right away?

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