linux - Use Pi to bring a switch to connect wifi

  • atu0830

    I have two PC connect with a switch. Then I have a PI with wifi card. Pi can connect internet by wifi. I want the two PC have same network ip with PI or router.

    Just tried bridge-utils, can assign IP to br0. But when connect to switch, will lost connection with PI.

    Most solution is use PI as AP, that means my two PI need use different network with iPad/iPhone. Any thoughts, thanks.

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  • Matt H

    I have my house connected to the internet by high speed 5GHz wireless point to point link. Within the house is both a wired and wireless network. The wireless network is served by a linksys internet WRT54GC.

    I now have an office that is not connected to the main house but will have it's own network. The wireless network in the house has a reasonable signal in the office. I have another WRT54GC and I'm wondering if it's possible to connect them together such that I can plug the IP desk phone into it and my desktop computer (which doesn't have a wireless network card) and yet be able to see the internet and house computer?

    This is what it will look like:

    Ubiquity Bullet ---- (WAN) WRT54GC (LAN) ----- House Computer
                                 +---------------- WRT54GC (Office LAN)

    i.e. something like this:

    enter image description here

    Is this supported by the WRT54GC firmware?

  • Related Answers
  • Luma

    yes, you want to use "repeater" mode.

    if your router does not support Repeater mode then take a look at DDWRT - which is free open source firmware.

    you only need this on the one router.

    so your first WRT54GC with WAN would be regular wireless/router.

    your second WRT54GC would be a Repeater (don't even need a cable)

    hope this helps.

    EDIT: link.
