windows 7 - Using START /wait with MozBackup batch scripts

  • Ugo

    OS: Windows 7 64-bit

    I have three batch files.

    1. FirefoxBackup.bat
    2. ThunderbirdBackup.bat
    3. Firefox_Thunderbird_Backup.bat

    The script inside Firefox_Thunderbird_Backup.bat is shown below:

    @echo off
    @echo Welcome to Firefox and Thunderbird Automated Backup!
    CALL "D:\Scripts\FirefoxBackup.bat"
    CALL "D:\Scripts\ThunderbirdBackup.bat"

    The script inside FirefoxBackup.bat file is very similar to ThunderbirdBackup.bat. Kindly see Firefox backup batch script below:

    @echo off
    @echo Firefox backup will begin shortly!
    @echo Deleting old Firefox backup file(s)...
    @echo off
    DEL /F "D:\Mozilla Products Backups\Firefox*.pcv"
    @echo off
    @echo Firefox is quitting...
    @echo off
    @echo off tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq firefox.exe" | find /i "firefox.exe" >nul && ( taskkill /f /im firefox.exe /T )
    @echo Firefox backup is in progress!
    START "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MozBackup\MozBackup.exe" "D:\Scripts\Default.firefoxprofile"
    @echo Firefox backup successful!
    @echo Firefox has re-launched.
    START "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

    The part I'm interested in is:

    START "" "C:\Program Files\MozBackup\MozBackup.exe" "D:\Scripts\Default.firefoxprofile"

    Explanation on the above code snippet:

    MozBackup.exe is started along with a parameter. This parameter is the Default.firefoxprofilefile which MozBackup understands, and can be manually edited as per the instructions here.


    I'd like to get rid of the manual waiting time (15s) and make use of START /wait. This way, Firefox re-launches only after Mozbackup finishes executing. I am not sure how to go about this considering there are already 3 parameters, namely "", C:\Program Files\MozBackup\MozBackup.exe, and D:\Default.firefoxprofile. Is it possible to achieve that at all anyway?

    Thank you!

  • Answers
  • Ugo

    The answer was much simpler than I expected. I just needed to use the /W switch. I noticed that the /WAIT switch does not work.

    Here's the solution:

    START /W "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\MozBackup\MozBackup.exe" "D:\Scripts\Default.firefoxprofile"
    START /W /B "" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

    What happens now is that Firefox will re-launch only after MozBackup has finished executing. I will also apply this to Thunderbird's backup script. Thank you for reading and I hope this backup script is useful to someone in the future :)


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    Notepad++ launches with the file when I run npp <file_name&gt> but the command window waits for the application to exit. I don't want it to wait.

  • Related Answers
  • Bobby

    Use start instead:

    start "" "command here"

    Edit: Do not miss the first pair of empty quotes, this is the title of the process/window.

    start <title> <command> <parameters>

    See start /? for further details.

  • Nithin

    I wanted to be able to do "npp file.txt" on the command prompt and be able to edit files using Notepad++. For this, I created a new folder, added it to Windows PATH, and created a file there called npp.bat with the following content:

    @echo off
    start "" "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" %1

    Very useful when I'm working on the console and need to edit a file.

  • ukanth

    @Bobby method should work, If you directly calls the batch script ( double click ), the method will open a new command window. Instead use the following,

    @echo off
    start "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe" blah.txt

    If you replace blah.txt with %1, then you should pass the argument when you call the batch file.