osx - VirtualBox headless caused high CPU load on Mac OS X

  • andrewdixon

    When I run a CentOS linux VM on VirtualBox in headless mode the CPU continuously spikes up to about 80% for a couple of seconds at a time with a short 1 or 2 second gap and then does it again. Even with the machine idling, no other application running and the CentOS system doing nothing. If I change it and run it normally, e.g. head mode, then this effect doesn't happen. It would appear to be the opendirectoryd, cfprefsd and notifyd along with the VBoxHeadless process causing the majority of the load during the spikes.

    I have tried this on two MacBook Pro's both running Mac OS X 10.9.3 and it has the same effect on both.

    Has anyone else observed this behaviour and know how to prevent it?

    Activity monitor showing cycling CPU spikes

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  • CodeByMoonlight

    This is THE thread on the subject in the VBox forums.

    Basically, because it's specifically prohibited by Apple (running it virtualised on non-Apple hardware), Sun can't work on making VBox properly compatible with it. This means no Guest Additions, at the very least.

    However, it has been done on a basic level by users, albeit with various questionable hacks, and the result is unstable, slow and limited (and it's worse in VMWare, apparently).