windows 7 - virtualbox - Why can't I create a 64-bit virtual machine inside another virtual machine?

  • user1049697

    I am trying to create a new 64-bit Windows 7 virtual machine inside a 64-bit Debian 7.3.0 instance running in VirtualBox. I am allowed to run 32-bit machines, but I can not create 64-bit machines, as shown in the picture. Why is this? I have hardware virtualization enabled on the host.enter image description here

  • Answers
  • Snickerz

    I read this... "You must enable hardware virtualization for the particular VM for which you want 64-bit support; software virtualization is not supported for 64-bit VMs"

    I am guessing since virtualbox is software, it will not support a 64-bit OS running from a 64-bit OS VM. That is my theory, maybe post system specs and what exactly is happening when you go to create another VM inside your VM.

  • Julian Knight

    Let me get this straight. You have a host PC running VB. You then run 64bit Debian as a virtual machine. You then try to run a Windows VM inside the Debian VM?


    Well, @Snickerz is right, you need VM processor and BIOS support to run a 64bit VM, the Debian VM doesn't give you that. I suspect that the VB developers never thought it would be needed :)

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  • CoderDennis

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    Is there a way to create 64-bit virtual machines?

  • Related Answers
  • John T

    Virtual PC currently does not support 64-bit guests, you may want to look into VirtualBox or VMware. You may also want to see the answers to the similar question on Serverfault.