Weird offset in google chrome browser

  • eactor

    Possible Duplicate:
    Chrome shows page shifted left

    my browser has a click to visual offset to the right on many websites! The Map should end at the scrollbar. This spacing there is about the offset I have click to follows links or to croll in tabs.

    enter image description here

    To open links or scroll tabs I have always to click next to the button instead of on it. I uninstalled Google chrome and deleted all Google appdata from local, roaming and local low folder, but it didn't help. I had my Google account synced with my Google account. So maybe its some kind of strange setting? Did anyone have the same problem in the past? Any Suggestions what I could do?

  • Answers
  • eactor

    The Lenovo notebook has a switchable graphic card. An ATI HD6630M and mobile Intel HD 3000. I can fix the problem when switching to the ATI HD6630M.

    So the problem seems as mentioned by alquixotic with the hardware rendering. So if anybody has fixed it with the Intel I would be glad to hear?

    Also a working flags setting to disable hardware acceleration would be helpful.

    Right now I'm lucky to have a second graphics card!

  • Related Question

    Chrome: Can't open another Chrome browser after inserting "-pinned-tab-count=x" in target address under Chrome Shortcut icon
  • Questioner

    I use Win XP. I'm using Google Chrome Dev Ver: I followed a guide as to how to pinned my tabs on Google Chrome permanently.

    In my Chrome shortcut key, this is how my Target address looks like after following the guide:

    "C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --pinned-tab-count=3 "website-1-address" "website-2-address" "website-3-address"

    Note: the "website-1-address" , "website-2-address" , "website-3-address" is where I put the website address I desire, without the quotations. The reason I can't write down the website address is because I have a brand new account at and thus, can't post more than one link. Grr.

    And it works as intended, when I open a new Chrome browser, the 3 websites are now represented as small icons in the newly opened Chrome tab bar.

    However, when I attempt to open another Chrome browser (by clicking on the same shortcut Chrome icon with the target address modified), the new Chrome browser doesn't appear. Instead, what happens is, in the current Chrome browser, 3 new normal tabs popped up. The 3 tabs are the same 3 websites as indicated above. With every click to the Chrome shortcut icon, the 3 same tabs open up in the current Chrome browser instead of opening up a new Chrome browser.

    The question is, what do I have to change to make sure that after a Chrome browser is open, I'm able to open another Chrome browser, with the permanent pinned tab feature in tact of course.

    Thanks in-advance.

  • Related Answers
  • mlsteeves

    As awesome as superuser is, because you are using the developer stream (ie alpha) version of Chrome, you should probably ask the question through the chromium site, so that the developers working on Chrome will likely see it. There is a chance that this could be a bug.

    Here is a link that describes where to ask the questions/check that the issue already exists:

  • Area 51

    You are right, I should have posted the problem on Google Chrome forums, but I only thought about it after posting my thread here at :(

    However, I found the answer to my problem, thought I share it here in case there are others like me.

    The trick is, under the target address in the Chrome shortcut icon, you should only have the following:

    "C:\Documents and Settings\XXX\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --pinned-tab-count=3

    As you can see, I've not placed the website addresses in the target address. Instead:

    A. Click on the Wrench icon on Chrome,
    B. Go to Options.
    C. Under the Basics tab, the section that says On Startup, tick Open the Following Pages:
    D. And proceed to enter in the website address that you wish to have permanently pinned on Google Chrome.

    Doing it this way solves the problem of preventing me in opening additional Chrome browsers.