adobe photoshop - What sort of information is saved in a PSD file

  • Questioner

    Up until recently I was working for a graphic design office that was closed down. What I want to know is if all the work I have done there and saved as psd can be proved somehow (perhaps by tracking the information in the file) that it did not come from original software.

    I do not want to have any legal problems in case I want to re-use/alter my psds and all my saved work. Will the possible embedded tracking information change if I load and save the psd again from another legally purchased copy of Photoshop?

    P.S The layers and all the work within the file belongs 100% to me. It is the copy of photoshop they had in the office I am worried about.

  • Answers
  • 8088

    From glancing at the PSD file format specification I don't think any such information is stored in the file.

  • Related Question

    images - A way to extract layer sets from PSD files without Photoshop?
  • Chad Johnson

    Are there any tools for (in order of preference) Mac, Linux, or Windows to extract images per layer set from a PSD file, without using Photoshop? I had a web designer send me a PSD file containing multiple pages, and each page is apparently in a layer set, and GIMP cannot handle these -- it can't understand layer groupings.

    A command line tool, a rinky-dink Windows tool...anything will work (of course, free is preferable), so long as it does not leave watermarks or anything of the sort, and works well.

  • Related Answers
  • Joe Internet

    The easiest solution might be to download the Photoshop trial version from Adobe.

  • Mike Fitzpatrick

    ImageMagick supports PSD layers and can extract them to separate image files. But I like Joe Internet's answer if you only have to do this once or twice.

  • bmore

    GIMP does read the layers (I use GIMP 2.6 sometimes) altough it doesn't understand layer properties made in photoshop (like borders and shadows) or folders (groupings) which are made in photoshop.

    Paint Shop Pro opens PSD files too

  • drewk

    Bring out the GIMP

    The GIMP will read PSD files with layers and write back in any format that it supports, which are many.