where is the Firefox DownThemAll userdata stored?

  • Tem Pora

    I want to export the list of file-names and corresponding information like URLs of the files I have downloaded using DownThemAll (DTA). But as far as I know, it doesn't have this feature.

    So I want to know where is the DownThemAll userdata stored on Linux systems and on Windows systems? I am using firefox 23 on Ubuntu/Windows-7.

  • Answers
  • dawud

    This answers your question.

    In short:

    DownThemAll does not really store that information at all

    • dta_queue.sqlite does contain the queue information. It is an sqlite database file.
    • The queue table holds the actual information in the "item" column.
    • The "item" column has various properties encoded as json.
    • Within that json structure are the "fileName", "pathName" and "mask" fields along with other fields of interest.
    • The actual path is computed as needed from these values. It is currently not cached anywhere on disk as there really is no need for caching. The code that computes the function is located in branches/1.1.x/chrome/content/dta/manager.js@#L1546.

    Granted, that bugreport is old by now, but I don't think DTA has changed significantly since.

  • Related Question

    How do I backup Firefox add-on like "Fastdial" addon for a reinstall?
  • danacon

    I am doing a new install of Firefox and over the years my Windows "roaming folder" I use for backup has gotten all clogged up from so many add-ons and crap... I want to backup just a couple Firefox add-on's, one is "Fast dial" How do I backup this add-on and its addresses for when I reinstall Firefox and the add-on, so It will go back to where it is now?

    Most add-on's have a backup feature like "too many tabs" bookmarks and such but fast dial doesn't? so How do I backup this add-on?

    and /or addons like it without a backup feature? Thanks in advance any help or options would be a big help. Dana

  • Related Answers
  • afrazier

    Make a copy of the prefs.js file from your profile folder. That contains nearly all of the options and settings from Firefox and all your extensions. Use it as a reference when reconfiguring your new profile, if you don't want to import it wholesale.

    Some extensions store some of their data externally though. Examples being Adblock Plus's blocklists, Stylish's UserStyles, Scriptish's UserScripts, etc.

    The safest thing to do is backup your entire profile. That way if you can't find or remember something, you can dig around in your backup until you find it.

  • DragoonHP

    Use FEBE (a Firefox addon) for backup settings, profile, pref... anything you want.


    EDIT: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/febe/

  • Chris_K

    Fast Dial stores everything with the bookmarks folder so if you're doing any sort of bookmark synching you get it replicated to your other machines/browsers. I use Xmarks but there are certainly tons of other options including the native Mozilla one that's part of FF 4.

    I use my Fast Dial bookmarks in Chrome, for instance. Not quite the same experience but still convenient.

    Option B just occurred to me while writing the above.

    In firefox go to Bookmarks -> Organize Bookmarks. You'll see the Fast Dial folder in the list. Right-click on it and choose "Export" to save your current 'marks.