graphics card - Where to find out which GPU supports how many monitors at which resolution?

  • John Smith

    I'm having a hard time finding an answer to the above problem. For instance, when I go to the NVIDIA manufacturers website, I'll get answers like:

    Multi Monitor: 4 displays
    Maximum Digital Resolution: 4096x2160

    But it isn't obvious to me what this practically means, i.e. if the combined output of ALL connected monitors must not exceed 4096x2160 or if it's possible to drive 4 monitors at 4096x2160 (which would be a LOT of horizontal resolution).

    Similarly, it's not at all clear to me what the resolution limit on AMD Eyefinity is for a particular card. Their website states:

    Number of Monitors:
    • Up to six dependent on graphics card configuration Aggregate Screen Resolution:
    • The aggregrate of screen resolution will vary based on the number of panels and >individual screen resolutions. The theoretical maximum: 8192 x 8192 (67.1 megapixel >resolution) consisting of 6 panels of 2560 x 1600

    But if I look at the spec sheets on the same page, it just says something like "Up to 6 displays with the use of a DP MST Hub" (or nothing at all for older cards).

    Is there any consistent/reasonably complete database where I could get that kind of information for cards across different manufacturers?

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    video card to support one large display with 4 rotated monitors
  • Claudiu

    I have four 2560 x 1600 monitors. My goal is to have one huge display that windows thinks is just one monitor, at a resolution of 6400 x 2560.

    I've found video cards that support rotating the monitors, so currently I have each monitor rotated, and I have an effective display size of 6400 x 2560. However, windows thinks it is 4 separate monitors, and for my purposes I'd like windows to just see one huge monitor. I've found a video card that could do this for two displays side-by-side, but not while they were rotated. Is there any way to get this to work?

  • Related Answers
  • JBL71

    ATi Eyefinity can do 4x1 in landscape mode or 3x1 in portrait mode.