Windows 7 (64-bit) remove global hotkey created by unknown application

  • user61967

    Possible Duplicate:
    Finding which process owns a hotkey in Windows

    As the titles says an unknown application that I've installed have registered a global hot-key for Alt+2 , or as this is a Finnish keyboard it's actually Alt Gr+2. As this is also the key combination for writing the @ symbol (I copy/pasted this one) you can imagine how frustrating it is.

    There doesn't seem to be a way to even list these global hot-keys in windows, let alone change them. Searching the net doesn't help much either, it just gives you a list of windows built-in hot-keys or references to AutoHotKey, which as far as I can tell can't solve this issue. I don't want to script/customize/modify anything, I just want to remove this global hot-key so I can start typing @ again.

  • Answers
  • sgmoore

    The program which has registered the hotkey must be running on your system. You can download a free program from here which allows you to see which program has registered hotkeys. The full version of the program, which isn't free, says that it can disable or change the hotkey, but that should only be required if the program that uses the hotkey is needed and does not let you have a option to change it.

    Works on Windows 7 (64-Bit), but it looks like is attempts to restart all your active programs in administrative mode in order to detect the hotkeys.

  • Related Question

    windows - AutoHotkey: problem assigning CAPS LOCK to ALT-TAB
  • splattne

    Yesterday I asked how I could disable or reassign the infamous CAPS LOCK key. The accepted answer pointed me to AutoHotkey, a powerful free, open-source utility for Windows for automating key strokes and mouse clicks.

    The tool includes a script language and even a compiler (!) and it seems to work very well. For example, I managed to map the middle mouse button to the ALT-TAB key combination using this script in Windows Vista:


    Now, I wanted to do the same reassigning the CAPS LOCK key to ALT-TAB:


    But this doesn't have the desired effect. Instead of showing the "ALT TAB" running applications menu, it shows the Vista Start menu, as if I had hit the WIN key.

    Any suggestions?

  • Related Answers
  • Kells

    This works for me

  • svandragt
    CapsLock UP::AltTabAndMenu