Windows 8 "Copy As Path" from search

  • JoeMjr2

    In Windows Explorer, I like to use the "Copy As Path" feature, which is as follows:

    Right-click on a file while holding down the Shift key, and choose "Copy As Path" from the context menu. This copies the full path to the file onto the clipboard.

    I would like to be able to do this directly from the Windows 8 search results when searching for a file. Currently, if I right-click on a search result, the only option that I get is "Open file location". Holding down Shift doesn't add any options.

    I currently have to choose "Open file location", which opens Windows Explorer, and then from there, I can do the "Copy As Path", but I'd like to skip that middle step, and do "Copy As Path" directly from the search results.

    Is there a way to add that option?

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  • Related Answers
  • ghoppe

    Are you using LaunchBar or something similar?