Windows 8 locks after ~13 minutes

  • Noam Gal

    I am using Windows 8.1 at work, and for the past week or two, my computer keeps getting locked after about 13-16 minutes from the last time.

    It doesn't matter that I am constantly working on it. It can happen while I type something on the keyboard, or while I use the mouse to browse the internet. The screen just suddenly goes dark, and when I move the mouse again, I get into the lock screen, and I have to put in my password to keep using my computer.

    I discovered that when I restart the computer, the trouble seems to go away, but the next day it returns. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the display is being turned off over night, while the computer is running.

    I tried changing the "Put the computer to sleep" setting in the Power Options, and switched it to "never", but that didn't solve my problem. I also tried disabling Remote Access, thinking that maybe some remote computer was trying to access my computer on a regular basis, which kicks me out locally.

    I am also using the Chrome Remote Desktop app, so maybe this could cause some problems?

    I looked through my eventlog, and saw nothing out of the ordinary.

    I used to have the same problem before, on Windows 8, so I don't think it's related to the 8.1 specifically. I don't know how I fixed it in the past, it just seemed to resolve itself after a while.

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    Related Question

    How can I change the lock screen in Windows 8 that appears for the default user?
  • Mark Allen

    This is about Windows 8 RTM.

    How can I change the lock screen in Windows 8 that appears after connecting to the machine via RDP?

    You can change your lock screen for your user account like so:

    1. Hit the Windows key.
    2. Right click your user name in the upper right hand corner, choose Change Account Picture.
    3. Click Lock Screen, choose a new picture.

    However, if you then connect to the computer where you've done this from another computer via RDP, using the same account, the physical machine you've connected to will display the "default" user lock screen - a stylized Space Needle / Seattle picture. It's not a bad picture, but I'd like to change it.

  • Related Answers
  • magicandre1981

    MS released an update to allow this without any hacks:

    Win8: How to Manage the Lock Screen Image on Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012

    The update “Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 cumulative update: November 2012” adds functionality to the Control Panel group polices that allow an administrator to designate a lock screen image on their Windows 8 and Windows 2012 computers. This setting lets you specify the default lock screen image shown when no user is signed in, and also sets the specified images as the default for all users (it replaces the inbox default image) Some restriction apply. See the Restrictions section below.

    The new group policy is named “Force a specific default lock screen image” and can be found in this path in the group policy editor: “Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Control Panel\Personalization”

  • Edward Brey

    Found it.


    Replace the picture in there with your custom background picture. It must match the name of the current background picture (for me, it's LockScreen___1680_1050.jpg). Logoff (or restart) to see the result.

    NOTE You may have to take ownership (or grant yourself permission) to view the contents of the SystemData folder and it's subfolders.

    Credit goes to someone named Brian Michael Reed posting here:

  • theprofessor

    Go to the "setting" tabs on the right. Click personalizations. Your LOCK SCREEN image should be there with about 5 more choice from which you may choose. You may also browse for other pictures you may hav on your computer of other devices connected.