display - Windows 8 login screen DPI issue

  • fishmong3r

    I tried to increase the DPI of the logon screen on my Win8 system. It has been messed up. It's too big to see anything. I can't recall how I did that so can't revert it. I've googled around and checked the tricks, but nothing works. I searched the registry and set all the LogPixels values to 96 DPI, but still no go. Any idea how to "reset" this?

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    macbook - How can I find out the screen resolution and dpi on my mac book pro?
  • michael

    Can you please tell me how can I find out the screen resolution and dpi for the screen on my Macbook Pro? (I got it last year, 2009.)

  • Related Answers
  • sblair

    This depends on the model of Macbook Pro (i.e. the screen size - 13.3", 15.4" or 17") you purchased, but the resolution and DPI (or PPI), for the 2009 unibody models, is provided by Wikipedia (here and here).

    However, given the resolution and display size, you can easily calculate the PPI. In summary:

    MacBook Pro 13.3":  1440x900 (127.68 PPI)
    MacBook Pro 15.4":  1440x900 (110.27 PPI)
    MacBook Pro 15.4":  1680x1050 (128 PPI)
    MacBook Pro 17":    1920x1200 (133.19 PPI)
  • jwaddell

    Open the Apple menu at the very top-left of the screen and click on About This Mac. Click on the More Info button, which will open up a window with lots of categories of information. The Graphics/Displays category will tell you your screen resolution.

  • warrenkopp

    Or to view and change the resolution: Open the Apple menu at the very top-left of the screen and click on System Preferences..., then Displays. This will show a list of available resolutions with the current one highlighted.