virtual machine - Would Apple be able to tell if I'm running Mac OS inside a VM?

  • Thomas Havlik

    Just as the question/title says. I understand that running Mac OS inside of a VM is against the EULA for the consumer version (but not the server, which is much more expensive!) If I were to purchase a legal copy of Mac OS, and install it to a VM, then register as an Apple Developer, would they shut me out? Is there a way they can tell the difference between emulated hardware and Apple computers?

    I'm slightly unfamiliar with how all of Apple's software works. Windows goes through this "genuine" test whenever installing service packs, but I don't know if Mac goes through the same trouble.

    Many thanks,


  • Answers
  • ghoppe

    To the best of my knowledge, Mac OS X does not "phone home" to report hardware and it certainly doesn't have any activation schemes of any kind.

    But hey, Apple employees might be on superuser. ;-)

  • xorbyte

    Mac OS X doesn't have any kind of serial numbers or other anti-piracy protections, but it will not run virtualized by default, you'd likely need to install a hackintosh version. I'm not fully aware if any part of the iOS developer signing stack is tied to the hardware, but I doubt it.

    And yes, an OS can trivially detect if it's running inside a virtual machine monitor, usually using some form of a timing attack.

    EDIT: I'm not sure if OS X does, however, employ such a method of detection.

  • Related Question

    osx - Running iPhone SDK on Mac OS X Server in VMWare on a PC
  • Christopher Edwards

    I have read somewhere (can't find the source now) that Mac OS X is only licensed to run on Apple hardware but that Mac OS X Server can run on non-Apple hardware and virtualised platforms.

    I have two questions:-

    1. Is this correct?

    2. Can I install and run the iPhone SDK on Mac OS X Server?


  • Related Answers
  • Chealion

    1) No. Mac OS X Server can NOT be legally run on non-Apple hardware. It CAN be virtualized on Apple hardware.

    2) Yes, the iPhone SDK does install on Mac OS X Server.

  • Seasoned Advice (cooking)

    Phuzion, the question was not if LEGALLY it was possible. Yes, it is possible to run MAC OS on non-Apple hardware. I write this message with Safari running on a VMWare machine for MAC OS on Windows.