internet - Two wired computers on the router

  • Patti

    My husband and I both have gaming computers hard wired into the same router. His computer is significantly faster than mine in terms of downloading and browsing. My computer is newer than his -- freshly built a few months ago. Neither of us are running wirelessly, both plugged in via ethernet cable.

    We have tried swapping cables & ports and came to no conclusion. My computer is managing roughly half the speed his is. Router has updated firmware (As of this post), both computers are connected via the same brand of cable (Not that it matters too much) and both are similar in specs however mine is newer and slightly better.

    I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting this. Any help?

    Edit: I wouldn't doubt my computer is sexist! So, I know my computer is downloading slower because my husband and I both speedtested the connection -- His was significantly higher than mine. Also, if we download games via Steam, we will be on the same server, and his will download much faster than mine. So, & Steam downloads both finish faster on his computer than on mine. I am not sure how to check my link speed -- Could somebody give me a condensed version? After poking through my control panel I found my network card is a Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller -- if that helps.

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  • WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

    My dad's wireless router is on the opposite end of the room than the TV and I brought over my xbox 360 to play this weekend. However, I lack the will to purchase an overpriced wireless adapter and I much rather not have an ethernet cable strewn across the room.

    Is it possible to install some sort of driver on my laptop (Windows 7) to have it act as a virtual router/bridge so I can place an ethernet cable in the NIC on my laptop and the other end in the xbox 360? Also, can I do this without the need of a crossover cable, as we only have standard cables at the moment.

    Just for the sake an example, I'd love the exact same functionality as, but connected via ethernet

    The NIC is a Realtek RTL8101E Family PCI-E.

  • Related Answers
  • xdumaine

    You should be able to do this with a standard ethernet cable if you bridge the connections in network settings. This post on MSDN indicates you should be able to do it with a normal patch cable and has instructions to follow.