Run multiple instance of any windows application

  • Jus12

    Suppose some author has enforced his Windows application to be single instance. Is there any way to make multiple instance of this application (aside from running inside a virtual machine or requesting the author to rewrite the app)?

    If there is a readymade tool, I would like to know it. (I have tried sandboxie and Altiris SVS without luck).

    If there is nothing out there, I want to program a tool/hack that will let me do this. I am looking for pointers where to start - what will be involved, what skills would be needed. I have moderate programming skills in C and Java.

    If this cannot be done, please explain why.

    EDIT: I know its a bad idea but I still need to do it (for various reasons). I want a generic way that works for any application and does not introduce errors.

  • Answers
  • Adrian McCarthy

    Many applications check the global list of processes (with EnumProcesses, OpenProcess, GetModuleBaseName, and similar functions) or list of windows (with EnumWindows, EnumChildWindows).

    You may try to set hook (see samples SetWindowsHookEx, CallNextHookEx, etc) to hook those specific API function calls from that application and replace requested data in response with yours to fool the application.

  • the_mandrill

    Lock files, named pipes and synchronisation events are some of the common ways applications use to check they're the only running instance. To work around lock files you'd either have to virtualise the file system, hook into it or do a carefully timed delete (and that may not work if it locks the file open too). Named pipes and synchronisation events will be much more difficult because you don't have the same control from outside the application that you do with files.

  • Tonton

    It is possible!

    Here is an image of me running half-life 1 4x in 4 windows all connected to the same LAN server, the only problem is the controllers not being independently linked to each window.

    To do this, you need 'Process Explorer' - a program that allows you to do what is known as 'Close Handle' on the '\BaseNamedObjects\ValveHalfLifeLauncherMutex' sub-process or something. its not that hard. go here for detailed instructions -

    But yeah that's for half-life but get Process Explorer and im sure you'll be able to find which handle/process you need to close in order to get the programs u want running multi times.

    I dont see why windows doesn't implement running games multi times in splits/snaps as a feature anyway! its clearly because people wouldn't buy as many PC's... also check out SoftXSpand really awesome, allows u to run multiple instances of windows as independent users

  • Tomas

    You can run application on different users accounts and instance checking will not work anymore.

  • Related Question

    Run Multiple Instances of Windows Media Player
  • eddiegroves

    I want to use WMP to listen to music, but at the same time I'm sorting out some videos etc that I want to quickly preview in WMP. Is it possible to open another 'instance' of WMP without cutting off my music?

    More details: Using Windows 7 and WMP 12

  • Related Answers
  • William Hilsum

    Need to know what OS, but I believe that you can do this by running the "background" instance through "run as different user" on XP and up. Select the music and play.

    Next, double click and open whatever videos you want normally, the new instance should open up in your user. If it tries opening with the first instance then do the same - right click, do "run as different user" and choose your own.

    If however this does not work, I highly recommend you look at VLC, I use it for opening multiple videos at once in order to compare them, through one setting, it has no problem in opening up as many copies as you want.

  • 8088

    Run Multiple Instances of Windows Media Player

    Is this multiple enough? :)

    enter image description here

    Now, this is only WMP 9 on Windows XP but I'm certain this will work with WMP 12 on Windows 7 too (unless you're using 64-bit Windows, that is).

    How is it done? walk in the park, install Sandboxie and run multiple instances of pretty much anything you want.

    Sandboxie is free and works with all 32-bit versions of Windows. however, if you want to create multiple containers, you'll have to register the software, in return you'll get lifetime upgrades and you may install Sandboxie with your registration code on any computer you own.

  • Sasha Chedygov

    No, that's not possible. The easiest way to go around this would be to use another media player for the videos, as much of a hassle as that is.

    Or just switch to a different media player entirely. ;)

  • rzlines

    I think its possible if your running Windows Xp try this (I'm running windows 7 so no real way to check)



  • 8088

    Funnily enough, I randomly discovered you can do what I wanted to do in Windows 7 using Windows Explorer and the built-in Windows Media Player support for the 'Preview' pane. The media player in the preview pane is very clunky but, yes, you can select some music, hit play and load other things in another Media Player window.

    Still not really a good solution though, because the preview pane WMP isn't very complete.

    enter image description here

  • joe

    Not really supported, obviously, but your options for second instances are:

  • mikekernel

    Two easy options that require hardly any user intervention.


    This is media player classic, basically continued 3rd party support for the classic video player. They have both 32 and 64 bit versions for win7 or vista. I loaded it and clicked on two different video files and they both opened in their own window. Both files played at the same time as well. I have Windows 7 ult 64 and was annoyed at the lack of ability of the built in player. You would think that would be a given considering most computers today May 2010 are dual core or better.

    1. VLC - have this too but using the new media classic since its 64 bit.
  • Seasoned Advice (cooking)

    You haven't been far enough... Play some music with WMP12. Then open explorer with the preview pane... Preview a video or some music and see that button next to the play button in the preview pane? Hit it and what a miracle a 2nd WMP12 open ;)