windows 7 - Google Chrome has taken over all HTML handling...

  • Jason94

    It's really getting on my nerves, but Google Chrome has taken over all HTML handling.

    For example, when you open Spotify... it runs C:/Users//AppData/Local/Spotify/flashdetect.html, but now that page is acctually opened in chrome as a new window.

    This also is the case for my Asus GamerOSD application that is located in tray. If I try to open settings Chrome takes over and opens C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/ASUS/GamerOSD/Skin/GamerOSD.html instead of the application doing it... :(

    Anyone know this problem and how to fix it?

  • Answers
  • liamog

    Check the .htm and .html classes in the registry. Chrome has a habit of changing these to ChromeHTML

    1. Open Regedit

    2. Find the key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.html

    3. Right click the (Default) value for the .html key and select Modify...

    4. Change the value from "ChromeHTML" to "htmlfile"

    Do this for .htm as well.

  • ChrisF

    You don't say what web browser you want to be the default, but you can do this from within that browser.

    If you have set the "check for default browser" option in your preferred browser then the next time you open it it should ask you if you want to set it to be the default again. Say "yes" and you're good to go.

    If you haven't enabled that option then you'll need to manually make it the default again:

    For IE8

    • Open the browser.
    • Select Tools > Internet Options... then the Programs tab.
    • In the "Default web browser" section click on the "Make Default" button.

    IE is now your default browser.

    For Firefox

    • Open the browser
    • Select Tools > Options... then the Advanced panel and General tab.
    • Click on the "Check Now" button in the bottom left of the dialog.

    Screen shots and full details

    Firefox is now your default browser.

    Other browsers have similar options

  • Related Question

    How can I use Autohotkey to focus on an existing Google Chrome tab, not a "container" window?
  • vleeshue

    How can I use Autohotkey to focus on an existing Google Chrome tab, not a "container" window?


    Google Chrome seems to represent each window with a container window handle, which contains one or more tabs. The tabs (at least the current one), has its own window handle. The tab window handles have window titles (which currently all end in " - Google Chrome"), whereas the container window handle itself does not. The following autohotkey code does not work as intended for Google Chrome:

    if WinExist("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0")
        Run "C:\Users\vleeshue\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

    This binding will focus on a Google Chrome window if it exists or will run Google Chrome. However, it will often target the container window (in Window Spy, the window title is blank). Activating the container window disallows the use of Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts. The inaccessible keyboard shortcuts include the all important ctrl+l to access the omnibar. Since I have not yet found a way to consistently activate the tab window instead of the container window, my workaround is to use the mouse, but I'd prefer to avoid that if possible.

    Window Spy Screenshots

    Container Window Handle

    Tab Window Handle


    Current Google Chrome Version: 5.0.317.2 dev

    A common autohotkey binding I use is a keyboard shortcut to focus a specific application if it's already running or to run the application if it isn't running.

    For example, I use this for foobar2000

    If WinExist("foobar2000")
        Run "C:\Program Files (x86)\foobar2000\foobar2000.exe"

  • Related Answers
  • fluxtendu
    if WinExist("ahk_class Chrome_WindowImpl_0")
      ControlFocus, Chrome_AutocompleteEditView1
      Run "C:\Users\vleeshue\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

    Should do the trick

    ("Chrome_AutocompleteEditView1" is the name of the omnibar control, so you could add Send ^a to select all)

    Update: I can't reproduce, maybe it will be better with another control... To have a list of a window controls I use this code:

    SetTimer, WatchCursor, 100
      MouseGetPos, , , id, control
      WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %id%
      WinGetClass, class, ahk_id %id%
      WinGet, ControlList, ControlList, A
      ToolTip, Under Cursor:`nahk_id: %id%`nahk_class: %class%`nTitle:%title%`nControl: %control%`n`nWindow Control List:`n%ControlList%

    So the controls of my google chrome beta (36714) are:

    • ViewsTextfieldEdit1
    • Chrome_RenderWidgetHostWND1
    • Chrome_AutocompleteEditView1
    • Chrome_WindowImpl_01
    • Chrome_WindowImpl_02
  • ftvs

    Workaround using Alt+Tab:

    ; Activates the window identified with wintitle if it's active,
    ; else opens a new one
    OpenWindow(wintitle, runCommand)
        if WinExist(wintitle)
            WinActivate ; activates the window found above. Sweet.
            Run %runCommand%
    AppsKey & g::
        prevKeyDelay := A_KeyDelay
        SetKeyDelay, 100
        OpenWindow("ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0", A_AppData
                    . "\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe")
        SendEvent {Alt down}{Tab}
        SendEvent +{Tab}
        SendEvent {Alt up}
        SetKeyDelay, prevKeyDelay

    Adjust arguments as needed. SetKeyDelay used because sending too fast does not work.

  • 8088

    You may want to look at using a Chrome extension instead of AutoHotkey. Extensions can get access to all the open tabs, including the URL and the ability to change tab focus. Otherwise you probably would need to use the Accessibility features in Chrome to query the active window. I believe that is how programs like RescueTime track what the active URL is. For example, using the Accessible Event Watcher (AccEvent) from the Windows 7 SDK shows the following events when changing tabs in Chrome:

    Google Chrome AccEvent

  • Snark

    Window Spy returns the tab title in the "Visible Window Text" field.

    You could loop in the tabs until you find the desired text. To switch from tab to tab, send the CTRL+TAB keys. The problem would be to stop at some point but if you know you don't use more than X tabs at most, you can include a counter in the loop to break at some point if the desired tab is not found.

  • polyglot

    There seems to be a bug with the WinActivate function in AutoHotkey. (

    So instead of the WinActivate line, use

    WinGet, winid, ID, 
    DllCall("SwitchToThisWindow", "UInt", winid, "UInt", 1)
  • slhck
        IfWinExist ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0
        {   IfWinActive ahk_class Chrome_WidgetWin_0
            {   Loop, 60
                {   GetKeyState, state, C
                    if state = D
                    {   KeyWait, c
                        KeyWait, LAlt
                        Sleep 10
                        ;must send RCtrl!!!
                        Send {RCtrl down}
                        Send {w down}
                        Sleep 10
                        Send {w up}
                        Send {RCtrl up}
                    Sleep 1
            {   KeyWait,f
                ;don't hijack other apps
                Send f