networking - How do I change PPPoE password on Windows XP?

  • Jeff Shattock

    My mother has managed to change her DSL PPPoE password on the ISP side, but doesn't know how to change it on the XP side. I tried for a half hour over the phone to find it (remote assistance didn't work), but I haven't had a PPPoE connection in about 10 years so I didn't come up with anything. Google only managed to find me ways to create a new connection, not modify an existing one. There isn't a 3rd party connection program in play here, starting Firefox is enough to initiate the connection.

    How do I change the password stored on XP for a PPPoE connection? The modem is connected directly to the computer, no router. Its an AT&T DSL line, but I doubt that matters.

  • Answers
  • 8088

    Start > Control Panel > Network Connections

    There should be a connection listed under Broadband (connection name / status / WAN Miniport / PPPOE)

    alt text

    Double click to open the Connect dialog:

    alt text

    Make sure to enter the correct user name and password, then click Connect. Windows will "remember" the settings if the box Save this user name and password for the following users is checked.

  • Related Question

    networking - applescript: establish PPPoE connection
  • Jakob

    how would an Applescript look like that connects to a specific PPPoE configuration? i want to trigger this via Launchbar.

    (or a more fancy script which checks if the current chosen network location is the right one and if an ethernet cable is plugged in, then connect to the PPPoE service automatically. i'd be completely satisfied with the simpler version though)

  • Related Answers
  • Jakob
    do shell script "/usr/sbin/scselect [insert appropriate network location]"
    tell application "System Events"
        tell network preferences
            connect service "[insert name of PPPoE service]"
        end tell
    end tell