Reset or remove the BIOS password on my laptop

  • 0xFaCeB00c

    I have a laptop but forgot the BIOS password. I cannot go beyond the BIOS password screen and need to continue.

    Is there any way I can reset or even remove the BIOS password on my laptop?

  • Answers
  • 8088

    Plug out all batteries, and the adapter, and remove the RTC battery that supplies power to the CMOS BIOS (according to the service manual p59, it's quite easy).

    After about 10 minutes, the BIOS will be reset... along with the password.

    To dismantle the dv5, I refer you to the HP dv5 Hardware and Service Manual.

    alt text

    Actual screenshot from the dv5 Hardware Service Manual.

  • joe

    Using Software

    IBIOS - is a PC BIOS toolkit offering password removal/decrypt and BIOS settings modification/backup/restore.

    CmosPwd - Cmos password recovery tools 4.8

    Using Hardware Operations ( from here )

    On the motherboard there is a small watch battery. Remove this battery along with the power cable from the power supply. Hold down the power button to fully discharge the system. Wait 2-3 minutes then reinstall the battery and plug in your system. Your reset is now complete


    Some motherboards have a 3 pin jumper by the battery. Lets say that the jumper is on pins 2 and 3. Remove the jumper while the machine is OFF and place onto pins 1 and 2. Power on your machine for a minute. (Note: Your system will not POST). Shutdown your machine and put the jumper back to pins 2 and 3. Your reset is now complete

  • Sathya

    Remove the CMOS battery while the power cable is out and the notebook battery is disconnected.

    Some BIOS resets allow you to change a jumper setting, but I've never seen that done on a notebook motherboard.

  • Franck Dernoncourt

    You can use a master password, which can be vendor-specific or laptop-specific, in which case this website can be useful.

  • Related Question

    Removing the BIOS password on a Dell Laptop
  • Mr-Right

    Possible Duplicate:
    Reset or remove the BIOS password on my laptop

    I have a Dell D620 laptop. My younger brother set password by mistake on BIOS Setup and forgot it. How do I reset the BIOS Setup program so that password can be reset? Any other alternative is appreciated as well.

  • Related Answers
  • Nifle

    You'll probably have to remove the CMOS battery on the motherboard. That will reset the BIOS to factory default and remove the password.

    Update: (since this does not work on this particular model)
    From WikiAnswers regarding Dell D620

    There IS a master password unique to your laptop. If you acquired it honestly and are the current owner, you can call Dell and provide them some information (Name, address, phone, serial number, BIOS rev, etc) and they can give you the master password based off of that.

    The catch is they'll only do it if it's under warranty. If it's not under warranty, you'll probably have to pay (I think between $75-150 USD).

    You can try a BIOS flash utility, such as one that updates your bios, but it usually requires you enter the BIOS password first.

  • Peter Mortensen

    It's a little old but CmosPwd might be of help.