need to clean up audio noise using sox

  • eagleon

    What I am doing right now is recording audio from my mic using arecord and piping the raw output to VLC like so:

    arecord -r 8000 - | vlc -vvv - 

    It works great, except the audio that is coming out has a lot of noise. I know it is possible to clean up background noise using sox, but I can't seem to figure out the right commands. When I use "play" just to test output (without even attempting noise removal), the output sounds horrible using:

    play -t raw -b 16 -c 1 -e signed -r 8000 -

    Are there any other solutions other than sox/play? If I can do this via VLC itself, that would be ideal. I also need to amplify the sound as well, which is why I use VLC. If I can get sox to clean up the audio and the pipe the output back to VLC again, that would be amazing. How could I accomplish this, I am sure it's possible.

    My goals are to (1) clean all the background noise and (2) amplify the audio as much as possible.

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  • Boppity Bop

    I have wmv video with audio which has a lot of static noise from low quality mic. I need a software to filter noise off.

    Would like also an equaliser and some other settings to make audio to be what I want.

    In fact it is speech which is drawn in the static noise. I need to make it recognisable.

  • Related Answers
  • Jeremy Sturdivant

    Audacity ( ) includes tools that can help clean off white noise, but this isn't "CSI: Miami," thus it's quite possible there is too much noise and not enough signal to make speech recognizable. Good luck!